Bomb Threat Checklist

Use the following checklist if you receive a phone call indicating a bomb threat. Read more information on bomb threats.

  1. Name of the person receiving the call
  2. Date of the call
  3. Time the call was received
  4. Time the call ended
  5. Information about the caller
    • Caller's name and address, if known
    • Male or female
    • Approximate age range based on voice
    • Voice Characteristics
      • Tone: loud/soft, high/low pitch, stutter?
      • Speech: fast/slow, distorted, cursing, slurred, lisp, disguised?
      • Language: excellent/good/fair/ poor, raspy, nasal, foreign?
  6. Information about the bomb
    • When will the bomb explode?
    • Where is it located?
    • What does it look like?
    • What kind is it?
    • Why was the bomb placed?
  7. Background noises audible during the call
    • Possible background noises include: music, voices, traffic, machines, quiet, children, typing
    • Other sounds?