Geology Alumni Award

Geology Alumni Award

Awarded to Current Geology Juniors and Sophomores

The Geology Alumni Scholarship is awarded by faculty each spring, to provide tuition assistance for the following academic year.

Those interested in filing an application must submit an unofficial transcript and a formal letter providing details on how they fulfill the criteria listed below.

"Senior/junior standing" refers to students who will have completed, as a minimum, the mineralogy/petrology sequence by the end of the current semester .

Applications must be submitted to the department secretary by April 1 of the Spring semester preceding the award year.

The Department of Geological Sciences will award a scholarship of $500 to a major who best fulfills the following criteria:

  • Will have senior or junior standing in the major during the following academic year
  • Will attend Geneseo as a full-time student in the fall semester following announcement of the award
  • Plans to pursue an advanced degree in the Geological Sciences
  • Carries a minimum of a 3.3 GPA in geological science courses
  • Possesses outstanding credentials, as measured by GPA in geological science courses, GPA in related courses, overall GPA, number of hours completed in the major, number of hours of related courses completed, and total number of hours completed 

Contact the Department of Geological Sciences for more information.