Undergraduate Research at Geneseo


 Students working in an lab, black and white.

The opportunity for undergraduate students to conduct research is a unique and rewarding experience for everyone involved.  Geneseo currently has a strong tradition of providing such opportunities for undergraduates.  Student involvement in externally-funded research projects began in the 1970's.

The Undergraduate Travel, Research and Creative (TRAC) Grants program was established by the Student Association and the Geneseo Foundation in 1989 and funding is currently in excess of $100,000.  The Research Grant funds are designed to aid undergraduates in the purchasing of supplies, equipment, and other expenses they might incur in their research project.

Research must be supervised by a faculty mentor or sponsor.  The Research Travel Grants provide funds to cover travel to present research, performances or exhibits at professional meetings or scholarly conferences.  Applications must be accompanied by a letter from a faculty sponsor describing the merit of the research and the significance of the conference

 By the Numbers

UGR Outdoor Research

  • Approximately 450 students per year accrue directed study academic credit for research. 

  • Between 50 and 70 students per year receive paid summer research experience through externally-funded grants and internal summer fellowships

  • Approximately 200 student TRAC grants, assistantships, and fellowships per year are supported by the Geneseo Foundation, Student Association, endowments, and indirect cost revenues

  • At our 16th Annual GREAT Day (Geneseo Recognizing Excellence, Achievement and Talent), over 550 students presented in poster and paper sessions, artwork exhibits and dance, musical and theater performances.