SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Lecture List

Math 304
Spring 2016
Prof. Doug Baldwin

Last modified May 2, 2016


These are electronic records of class discussion from Math 304 (Theory of Computability). They are generally captured as a class unfolds, and slightly cleaned up afterwards. They are not clean, carefully-planned lecture notes in the usual sense. They are more an electronic equivalent of notes on the blackboard: they record some of what the instructor said, some of what students said, the things that really happened in the class—including the misunderstandings, false starts, and similar things that happen in real classes. The goal of these notes is as much to help students remember how they learned as it is to help them remember what they learned (because the “how” of learning is at least as important as the “what”).

Please make WWW or other electronic links to this page only—I want people reading these notes to see the “caveat” above.

Send comments, questions, etc. related to these notes to Doug Baldwin.

  1. Jan. 20—Introduction
  2. Jan. 22—Finite Automata
  3. Jan. 25—Nondeterministic Finite Automata
  4. Jan. 27—Equivalence of Nondeterministic and Deterministic Finite Automata
  5. Jan. 29—Closure Properties of the Regular Languages
  6. Feb. 1—Regular Expressions
  7. Feb. 3—Regular Expressions Are Equivalent to Regular Languages
  8. Feb. 5—Regular Expressions Are Equivalent to Regular Languages, Part 2
  9. Feb. 8—Introduction to the Pumping Lemma
  10. Feb. 10—The Pumping Lemma, Part 2
  11. Feb. 12—The Pumping Lemma, Part 3
  12. Feb. 15—Class cancelled, no lecture notes
  13. Feb. 17—Exam 1, no lecture notes
  14. Feb. 19—Context Free Grammars
  15. Feb. 22—Pushdown Automata
  16. Feb. 24—Every CFG has a PDA
  17. Feb. 26—Every PDA has a CFG
  18. Feb. 29—The Pumping Lemma for Context Free Languages
  19. Mar. 2—Deterministic Context Free Languages
  20. Mar. 4—Online Discussion, no notes
  21. Mar. 7—Turing Machines
  22. Mar. 9—Variations on Turing Machines
  23. Mar. 11—The Church-Turing Thesis
  24. Mar. 21—Turing-Decidable Problems
  25. Mar. 23—Exam 2, no lecture notes
  26. Mar. 25—Undecidable Problems
  27. Mar. 28—Unrecognizable Problems
  28. Mar. 30—Introduction to Reduction Proofs
  29. Apr. 1—Reduction Proof Examples
  30. Apr. 4—Reduction Proofs and Rice’s Theorem
  31. Apr. 6—Reduction and Computation Histories
  32. Apr. 8—The Post Correspondence Problem, Part 1
  33. Apr. 11—The Post Correspondence Problem, Part 2
  34. Apr. 13—Ambiguity of CFGs is Undecidable
  35. Apr. 15—Introduction to the Recursion Theorem
  36. Apr. 18—The Recursion Theorem via Programs
  37. Apr. 20—Applications of the Recursion Theorem
  38. Apr. 22—Introduction to Lambda Calculus
  39. Apr. 25—Arithmetic in the Lambda Calculus
  40. Apr. 27—Logic in the Lambda Calculus
  41. Apr. 29—Logic in the Lambda Calculus, Part 2
  42. May 2—Recursion in the Lambda Calculus