
About Circle K


Service Projects

Contact Us


--K-family Links--

New York District, CKI

NY District Key Club

Circle K International

Come to our weekly meetings: Thursdays 7pm in the Union room 319


What is Circle K?

Circle K is a co-educational service, leadership development, and friendship organization, organized and sponsored by a Kiwanis club on a college or university campus. We are the collegiate level of Kiwanis International. The three tenants of Circle K include service, leadership, and fellowship. If performing community service with a group of friends interests you, stop by!


2010-2011 Circle K Club Officers:

Laura Fisher - President

Molly McLaughlin - Vice President

Brittany Hernon - Service Chair

Victoria Silliman - Treasurer

Zoe Van Orden - Secretary

Matt Cordella - K-Family Chair

Jenny Boyer - Sunshine Chair

Annie Feldman - Editor/Website Creator



Contact Us:

Please email us at circlek@geneseo.edu if you have any questions or desire to speak to one of the club officers.