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SUNY Geneseo/Genesee Valley Conservancy
Research Reserve

The Reserve is a 404-acre parcel of land located within two miles of the SUNY Geneseo College campus. The Reserve contains various agricultural fields and natural areas, including a water fall and a hemlock ravine. The mission of the Reserve is to serve as an educational and scientific resource through a partnership between the Genesee Valley Conservancy and the SUNY College at Geneseo. The Reserve is, and will continue to be, a diverse, operational agricultural heritage site. Research and educational activities will focus on understanding this dynamic environment using primarily observational and relatively non-invasive, low-impact, non-extractive practices.

See a photo of those at the announcement of the Reserve.

All access to the Reserve is by permission only. Permits must be obtained from the Reserve Manager.
Access Guidelines

For further information contact the Reserve Manager Dr. Gregg Hartvigsen at or 585.245.5448