Image of Welles building


Student Resources

Features on the Navigate Student App

Study Buddies

Students study most effectively when they get together with another student in their class to go over notes, test each other to prepare for exams, and keep each other on target for homework and other study sessions.

To Do's and Events

To do's will show up as checklist items and ensure you don't miss important deadlines: Registration preparation, Financial Aid and Scholarship information, Graduation requirements, Mandatory forms, etc.

Events are campus-wide or tailored to you based on your responses to the intake survey! They include Geneseo traditions (Geneseo Goes to Town, the Teddy Bear Toss, GREAT Day, Diversity Summit, etc) and unique opportunities (e.g., Transfer Student Brunch, First Generation Breakfast, Study Abroad Fairs) to keep you connected to each other and to campus support systems!

Video coming soon!


Wondering about where to find things on campus or in Geneseo or who you need to contact for help? The resources tab has everything! From Tutoring Information to Healthcare to new Study Spaces to Places to Eat to finding offices to get engaged - it's all here!

Video coming soon!


Appointments are automatically synced with your advising and other appointments with faculty, staff, and student staff.

Holds tells you quickly if there's a hold on your account for any reason and who you need to talk to in order to resolve that hold.

Your class schedule automatically populates for a quick view.