Dispositions Evaluation Form

This webpage is for students to look ahead at what information will be asked for on the Dispositions Evaluation Form. This is not the actual form to fill out.

This form is to be completed by faculty responsible for overseeing practicum at the end of Blocks II, IV, and V for all Early Childhood/Childhood and Childhood with Special Education majors, and at the end of Blocks II and III for all Adolescence majors. Course Faculty should feel free to consult with mentor teachers, other faculty members, and graduate assistants.

Rating Scale

Target (3): The candidate shows an awareness and understanding of the professional disposition. The teacher candidate consistently displays behaviors that relate to the professional disposition in a variety of settings with students, peers, school personnel, and college personnel.

Acceptable (2): The teacher candidate shows an awareness and understanding of the professional disposition. The candidate displays behaviors that relate to the professional disposition in most settings/aspects and with most individuals.

Developing (1): The teacher candidate shows an awareness and understanding of the professional disposition. Display of behaviors that relate to the professional disposition is limited to a few settings/aspects (e.g., only instructional settings) and limited groups of individuals (e.g., only with certain students).

Unacceptable (0): The teacher candidate lacks awareness, or is minimally aware of the need for the professional disposition. The candidate does not display behaviors that relate to the professional disposition and is unable to explain their importance. Behavior in professional settings mostly adheres to candidate perceptions of their own rights and/or perspective.

Not Observed: The Domain was not observed.

Criteria to be Rated

Domain I: The Learner and Learning (InTASC 1,2,3)

  1. Uses an understanding of individual differences, diverse cultures, and communities to plan responsive instruction.
  2. Treats all learners with dignity and respect.

Domain II: Content Knowledge (InTASC 4,5)

  1. Is committed to developing a mastery of the content and creating learning experiences that are accessible and meaningful for all learners.
  2. Is committed to active learning and engaging learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving.
  3. Seeks out and uses a wide range of curriculum materials that are reflective of diverse students, families, and communities.

Domain III: Instructional Practice (InTASC 6,7,8)

  1. Is committed to understanding and using a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas.

Domain IV: Professional Responsibility (InTASC 9,10)

  1. Embraces the expectations of the profession
  2. Seeks and responds to opportunities for change and growth

Additional Comments

This is a section for any additional comments.