RFQ for Economic Impact Study, Ref. No. T072019

SUNY Geneseo has issued a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for an Economic Impact Study, Ref. No. T072019.  Below are the documents that comprise the RFQ.  Please be advised that this is NOT a sealed bid opportunity.  The award of the agreement resulting from this RFQ will be made using SUNY discretionary authority, pursuant to NYS Education Law 355(5)(a). 

Written questions received and the College's official responses.

Word file containing pages 1 - 45 of the RFQ

SUNY Exhibit A (Standard Contract Clauses State University of New York)

SUNY Exhibit A-1 (Affirmative Action Clauses State University of New York)

MWBE Form 7557-104: Equal Opportunity Policy Statement

MWBE Form 7557-107: Utilization Form

MWBE Form 7557-108: EEO Staffing Plan

SDVOB Form 7564-107: Utilization Form

In addition, the successful Respondent awarded the agreement resulting from this RFQ, will be required to completed and submit the following forms to the College:

Form A - State Consultant Services - Contractor's Planned Employment Form

Form B - State Consultant Services - Contractor's Annual Employment Form (for services rendered between March 16, 2020 - March 31, 2020, New York State's 2019-20 fiscal year)

Form B - State Consultant Services - Contractor's Annual Employment Form (for services rendered between April 1, 2020 - June 16, 2020, New York State's 2020-21 fiscal year)