Organization Directory
Welcome to the Student Organization Directory!
With more than 180 student clubs and organizations, there truly is something for everyone at SUNY Geneseo.
Student Organization Definition
College Registered (Full Registration) student organization definition:
A college registered student organization at SUNY Geneseo is:
1.) any student-driven group whose primary membership and entire leadership consists of students currently enrolled at SUNY Geneseo and who are paying the mandatory student activity fee
2.) formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development and the advancement of the College Mission
3.) officially registered with the College through the Department of Student Life, as the Vice President of Student and Campus Life designee
4.) Membership is open to all full-time and part-time students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin, committed to the mission of the organization and upholding its constitution
The policies and procedures of SUNY Geneseo supersede any outside affiliation or inter/national entity for all organizations that have affiliations outside of Geneseo.
Full registration does not imply college endorsement of the positions and views of any organization. Rather, it implies that the institution accepts the organization’s mission as educationally valid and that the organization has complied with institutional registration and continuing registration procedures. For this reason, student organizations are prohibited from taking “Geneseo” in front of the organization name. Instead, student organizations are permitted to place “Geneseo” at the end of the name. For example, “Piano Club at Geneseo” or “Piano Club of Geneseo” are acceptable formats.
Full registration with the College does not permit the organization to act in the name of the university, to represent the university, engage in any contractual obligation in the name of the university, nor represent the organization as being an official part of the university.
Student groups that are formed and sponsored by academic and administrative departments, in the pursuit of research, administrative activities and academic endeavors, are not considered college registered student organizations. The sponsoring academic or administrative department assumes responsibility for the group and therefore can reserve space for the group under the department's name.
Art ClubArt Club works to create a safe and inclusive environment for students of all skill levels to come and express themselves using different art mediums.
Chromatic Photography ClubChromatic is a creative community that welcomes all types of creative collaboration including photography, poetry, videography, painting, and choreography. The goal of Chromatic is to execute projects that are directed for and by students. Chromatic's values align with that of the college; it exists to enhance the student experience of Geneseo students.
Creative Writing ClubCreative Writing Club (CWC) is SUNY Geneseo's premiere student organization to receive feedback on any and all of your creative endeavors in an environment of like-minded peers! Whether it be fiction, nonfiction, prose, poetry, screenplays, comics, graphic novels, or anything else, we want to aid you in making the best possible iteration of YOUR piece!
Golden Key International Honour SocietyThe Golden Key National Honour Society was founded in 1977 at Georgia State University, and the SUNY Geneseo chapter was chartered in 1994. The purpose of the society is to provide a forum for recognizing all exceptional students, regardless of their major or their level of involvement in campus activities. The SUNY Geneseo chapter extends invitations for membership each January to the top 15% of juniors and seniors (students with more than 60 credits). There are many benefits to membership in Golden Key. Newly inducted members pay a one-time membership fee, and are then entitled to participate in all Golden Key activities. In addition to being a resume builder, Golden Key membership offers chances at valuable leadership opportunities; chances to publish creative work in the society magazine, Concepts; and access to a wide network of advisors, alumni, and honorary members. Golden Key members receive access to Golden Key's Online Career Library, discounts to Kaplan Test Courses, and access to numerous national scholarship opportunities in all areas of academic and creative work. SUNY Geneseo's Golden Key chapter annually presents two scholarships: one to an outstanding new inductee, and one to an outstanding active member. Finally, the national organization also awards research grants and study abroad scholarships to qualified members. Our chapter focuses on providing academic service in the community of Geneseo and in the greater Livingston county. We do this by running registration workshops for freshman in the fall, reading to or with nearby elementary students, and supporting higher education in local high schools. We also participate in non-academically focused service activities, like Make-A-Difference Day, the Day of Caring, fundraising for the Livingston County Cares project, and Adopt-A-Family. We are a non-SA funded organization with a great deal of flexibility and resources. Our activities depend on the perceived needs of the community. If you have any suggestions for activities, feel free to contact us! If you are a recent invitee, please feel free to email chapter officers any questions you may have about Golden Key membership. If you are a student with less than 60 credits, please make Golden Key membership a goal to strive for in the future!
Iris MagazineIris Magazine seeks queer creativity; we publish approximately three issues per semester, featuring everything from playlists to poetry. We also hold monthly interest meetings and creative events, such as collage and open-mic nights.
Musical Theatre ClubWe are a performing arts group that sings, dances, and acts on stage to provide a welcoming theatrical environment for all to participate in. We hold two revue shows a year that fall under a theme for our members to add numbers to and creatively express themselves through.
Poets SocietyPoets' Society exists to spread appreciation of poetry in its various forms and to provide a creative outlet for its members, existing as an open and accepting community of writers and listeners. We hope to not only extend knowledge of the craft and performance of poetry but also to encourage our members to embrace and engage the world of poetry beyond ourselves.
SUNY Geneseo Film ClubSUNY Geneseo's Film Club is an organization in which Geneseo students interested in filmmaking as an art form, film history, impact of film, classic and upcoming film, as well as film as it applies to current events. It will be a safe space for students to enjoy their interest with as little or as much film knowledge as they may have, and to do so without fear of judgment from peers. Our main goal as a student organization is to create a fun and creative environment for students to expand their knowledge of film and make new friends with the same interests. There should be something for all students in Film Club.
Voices UncoveredVoices Uncovered is dedicated to providing an encouraging and judgment-free creative platform for marginalized students to share their unique abilities and talents with their fellow Geneseo peers, faculty, and staff. This creative platform can range from student written scripts, performances, or showcases that enable students to highlight areas of concern and educate their fellow peers on issues that are important to them. Voices Uncovered will devote its time to process students’ experiences with micro-aggressions, stereotyping, and discriminatory discourse or actions. Members of the club will be encouraged to speak up about their experiences dealing with these issues. Voices Uncovered will further the conversation about marginalization and discrimination by actively challenging the status quo and collaborating with Geneseo student cultural groups. Geneseo is our home away from home and we see the value in fixing or drawing attention to areas of concern in this regard. In order to achieve this, Voices Uncovered will allot a space during our meetings for free-writes and open discourse. In this space, students can talk about recent events that have affected them on a personal or global level. We believe that any incident, no matter how miniscule it may seem, is worth discussing. Oftentimes, individuals who have experienced a form of discrimination or have been marginalized by their peers seek validation for their reactions and emotions. Additionally, Voices Uncovered will host group interviews focused on self-identity and marginalization that will serve as the foundation for the end of the semester performance geared towards highlighting these particular issues in an attempt to educate our Geneseo campus. Consenting individuals will also be published on our permanent online presence. Voices Uncovered is passionate about empowering our fellow peers to have their voices heard and inviting our community to listen.