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Organization Directory

Welcome to the Student Organization Directory!

With more than 180 student clubs and organizations, there truly is something for everyone at SUNY Geneseo.

A college-registered Student Organization is any student-driven group whose primary membership and entire leadership consists of students enrolled at SUNY Geneseo; is formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development and the advancement of the College Mission; is non-credit bearing; and is officially registered with the Department of Student Life.

Full registration does not imply college endorsement of the positions and views of any organization. Rather, it implies that the institution accepts the organization’s mission as educationally valid and that the organization has complied with institutional registration and continuing registration procedures. 

Full registration with the College does not permit the organization to act in the name of the university, to represent the university, engage in any contractual obligation in the name of the university, nor represent the organization as being an official part of the university.

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Great Outdoors Club

Great Outdoors Club at Geneseo strives to provide an easy way for students to experience the great outdoors and network with other outdoor enthusiasts. The club aims to inform its members of the outdoor opportunities in Livingston County and the surrounding areas. Members will learn safe ways to experience the wilderness. Members will be challenged both physically and mentally, while developing new skills useful for both daily life and outdoor adventures. GOC will promote awareness and appreciation for the outdoors, and be an advocate for the significance and protection of the wilderness.

Friends of Recreation, Conservation, and Environmental Stewardship

The FORCES program and name is defined by several of the elements below: FRIENDS Students and community members seeking new and interesting experiences, with a willingness to help improve their local parks and historic sites RECREATION This "force" contributes to patron education on different forms of and ways to recreate; improvement projects and maintenance that enhance hiking and sporting activities in NYS parks. It also reflects the philosophy that patrons who participate in recreational activities are more likely to appreciate and want to protect the environments where they take place. CONSERVATION At FORCES we also focus our efforts on conserving and protecting the rich heritage and culture found in NYS historic sites and other unique areas. ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP In addition, FORCES directly involves environmental projects and education that benefit the parks. Educational and environmental projects include invasive species management, plant and wildlife protection, water quality assessment and trail improvement.