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Organization Directory

Welcome to the Student Organization Directory!

With more than 180 student clubs and organizations, there truly is something for everyone at SUNY Geneseo.

A college-registered Student Organization is any student-driven group whose primary membership and entire leadership consists of students enrolled at SUNY Geneseo; is formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development and the advancement of the College Mission; is non-credit bearing; and is officially registered with the Department of Student Life.

Full registration does not imply college endorsement of the positions and views of any organization. Rather, it implies that the institution accepts the organization’s mission as educationally valid and that the organization has complied with institutional registration and continuing registration procedures. 

Full registration with the College does not permit the organization to act in the name of the university, to represent the university, engage in any contractual obligation in the name of the university, nor represent the organization as being an official part of the university.

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MiNT Magazine

Each semester, MiNT will accept submissions from the student body for writing and art, which we will review as a club. Then, with the accepted submissions, we will create a literary magazine that will be distributed to the student body. We also publish everything on our website and hold a launch party where people can read their writing and talk about their art.

Southside Boys

The purpose of this organization is to provide the students of SUNY Geneseo with the opportunity to use and showcase their vocal talents through a student run a cappella music ensemble, as well as provide to those sharing our interest and passion for vocal skills and performance a safe, inclusive space to come to twice a week. Geneseo’s mission statement reads, "To support the College's educational purpose and goals by publishing, enforcing, drafting, and interpreting community standards. To facilitate student learning opportunities for ethical growth and development through the conduct process. To promote academic integrity and responsible conduct through education and accountability. To work to maintain a safe and orderly campus environment consistent with academic excellence, conducive to learning, and foster respect for others and for the College's mission of teaching, research and service." Southside Boys will fulfill this mission by facilitating a unique opportunity to supplement Geneseo’s rigorous curriculum with rich co-curricular life, enhancing the college community.

The Lamron

ARTICLE I: NAME The name of the organization shall be The Lamron. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES Section 1- To act as the official publication of the students at the State University College at Geneseo by publishing a weekly newspaper through the school year, except during examination and vacation periods. Section 2 - To provide an opportunity for the development of journalistic abilities and responsible student leadership.

Her Campus

The purpose of the club is to provide a platform for the young women (though not exclusive to women) of our campus to share their voices with a wider audience. Her Campus writers will have the opportunity to enrich their college experience by interacting with other successful college-age women whilst publishing their writing on a national website. We allow anyone to publish articles on topics that matter to them. We host weekly meetings. We will start hosting bonding events so that our members can get to know each other more. We want Her Campus at Geneseo to be a close-knit community where friendships are formed and a safe space for all voices to be heard.

Iris Magazine

Iris Magazine seeks queer creativity; we publish approximately three issues per semester, featuring everything from playlists to poetry. We also hold monthly interest meetings and creative events, such as collage and open-mic nights.