Rhetorical Fallacies

As Julie Andrews would say, let’s start at the very beginning/it is a very good place to start”--what is a fallacy?

Oxford English Dictionary definition (OED):

1.  Deception, guile, trickery; a deception, trick; a false statement, a lie.

2.  A deceptive or misleading argument, a sophism. In Logic esp. a flaw, material or formal, which vitiates a syllogism; any of the species or types to which such flaws are reducible. Also, sophistical reasoning, sophistry. In certain phrases in the formal terminology of Logic, as fallacy of accident (see quots.); fallacy of composition (see COMPOSITION 4b); fallacy of division, the fallacy that whatever is true of a whole must be true of any part or member of that whole.


Pathetic Fallacies

Ethical Fallacies

Logical Fallacies