Geneseo College Democrats logo by Whitney L. Marris

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At weekly Geneseo College Democrats meetings, members discuss current events. Many people would believe that this would consist of someone presenting an opinion on a pertinent political news story and others nodding their heads in agreement, but this is rarely the case! Several viewpoints are presented for almost every discussion point, often leading to friendly debate.

Outside of meetings, we work very closely with local, statewide, and national politicians to help them with their campaigns. We also have hosted many Geneseo Late Knight events on our own as well as in conjunction with several other politically-oriented groups on campus. Members also have attended New York College Democrat conferences and conventions. Each year, members of the Geneseo College Democrats participate in a formal debate with the Geneseo College Republicans.

Geneseo College Democrats meetings for the spring 2010 semester are held every Thursday at 7:30 PM in College Union room 324.

Any questions, comments, or requests to be added to the College Democrats contact list should be sent to


(Geneseo College Democrats logo created by W. Marris, 2008)