HUMANITIES 221: SAMPLE 1st EXAM from Spring 1998

Humanities 221, Sp 98 Exam #1  26 February 1998
Professor Celia A. Easton

Write all your answers in your blue book.   You may keep these examination questions.

The manner in which you express yourself affects my response to your essays.  If I must figure out what you are trying to say, you haven't effectively answered the question.  Remember to cite CONCRETE EXAMPLES, making your response as DETAILED as possible.  Be sure to explain everything implied  by the question.  For example, in question 6, before discussing the application to Gulliver's Travels, explain Locke's theory of property.  Explain context, even when you are not explicitly requested to do so.  Although I do not ask you to regurgitate information from the background lectures, your ability to assimilate such information into your discussion of the texts will enhance your answers.

Part I.  Choose five of the following short answer questions, and write a FULL answer for each in clear, understandable prose.  Each answer is worth 12 points (60 points total). Length=a long paragraph or page (in small bluebook), depending on the size of your handwriting.

1.  According to Madison, why would a large republic protect minority interests against majority factions?  What worries the anti-federalists about a large republic?
2.  How does Jefferson invoke Lockean principles from The Second Treatise of Government  in the deductive section of The Declaration of Independence?
3.  How and why does Locke distinguish paternal, political, and despotical power?
4.  Is Gulliver justified in acting with prerogative (as Locke defines it) in putting out the fire at the castle in Lilliput?
5.  Why aren't struldbruggs valued in their society?
6.  Why would Locke say the Laputans are unlikely to obtain and increase property?  What would he say about Lord Munodi?
7.  What are the differences between Locke and Swift's views of "the state of nature"?
8.  Why does it make sense (or not) to mark the beginning and end points of The Enlightenment with dates attached to revolutions?

Part II.  Choose one of the following long essay topics.  Again, be very well organized, and make thoughtful points about the argument you construct.  Where the first part of this exam pretty much tested your knowledge of the texts, this part tests your ability to make interpretive assertions, not just repeat class discussion. (40 pts.)  Length=as long as it takes you to be thorough yet precise.

1.  According to Locke and Jefferson, what actions justify political revolution?  Since both agree that people will not rebel for light and transient reasons, are the Houyhnhnms premature in their plans to prevent rebellion by exterminating yahoos from the face of the earth?

2.  With particular reference to Locke, Swift, and at least one example from the American documents passage, explain the importance of "Reason" to thinkers of The Enlightenment.

Scoring, short answers: 11-12="A range" 10="B range" 8-9= "C range" 7="D range" 6 and below=failing
long answers: 36-40="A range" 32-35="B range" 28-31="C range" 24?27="D range" 23 and below=failing