Final Project

Throughout the semester you will complete parts of a portfolio.  Pieces of this project will be collected and counted as your weekly questions.  A complete, organised, well-presented compilation of all materials is due on the last day of class.

Your project will be checked for inclusion of all assigned topics and will be evaluated based on the clarity and accuracy of the explanations given as well as the overall presentation (neat, easy to find sections and entries, easy to read, well-written, & c).

It is possible that portions of this project can be adapted to be included in a portfolio for use when interviewing for teaching jobs to demonstrate your deep understanding of the content of the elementary mathematics curriculum.  

Somewhere in this portfolio you must demonstrate at least one (several would be better) appropriate use of each of the following manipulatives

Colour Tiles
Base Ten Blocks
Pattern Blocks
Cuisenaire Rods
Two Colour Pieces (may use colour tiles for this)

I encourage you to organise your project in a sequence that makes sense to you, as many of these topics will be connected.  Connecting topics using the following themes from the course will strengthen your project:

Extensions of Models for the Four Operations
Explanations and examples of how the models we learn for the four operations on whole numbers can be extended to other sets of numbers

Alternate Representations
Explanations of how alternate representations of values will allow us to do computations and explain various algorithms.