315 Student Presentations

Here are the problems that will be presented:

Part 1:  Graphs
1.1, 1.3, 2.3, 3.1, 5.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.7, 6.9, 7.5, 8.2, 8.3, 10.2, 10.4, 10.9, 10.10, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 12.2
    (6.4, 6.8, 7.7, 9.2, and 10.1 may not be chosen for the problem set either)

It seems to me that Part II is the longest of the semester, and that we will finish part I early.  Presuming this happens, begin on part II.  I will accept A problems for either part I or part II problem sets.  I trust you to be reponsible about not xeroxing from those who successfully turn in A questions for part I.  Best work problems others haven't at that point.  This issue will resolve after Part II.  The remaining parts will be more manageable.  

Part II:  Strings and Combinations
A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A13, A14, A15, A17, A18, A22, A23, A42, B2, B5, B10, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B20, B23, B24, B27, B28, B30, B44, B55, B56, B58, B64, B65, B68, B70, B72

    (B6 may not be chosen for the problem set)

Part III:  Distributions
C1, C6, C8, C12, C14, C15, C17, C18, C22, C24, C26, C30, C31. C32, C33, C34, C35, C37, C38, C39, C55, C56, C57, C64

Part IV:  Partitions
D2, D4, D10, D11, D15, D16, D17, D21, D22, D24, D25, D26, D27, D30, D33, D34, D35, D49, D50, D53, D54, D56, D57, D58, D59, D60, D61

Part V:  Inclusion and Exclusion
E1, E4, E5, E7, E8, E9, E10, E11, E12, E14, E15, E16, E17, E19, E20, E25, E26, E28, E29, E34, E35, E37, E38, E50

Part VI:  Recurrence Relations
F3, F5, F6, F10, F11, F13, F15, F16, F17,  F18, F19, F21, F25, F28, F30, F31, F32, F44, F45, F49, F51

Part VII:  Generating Functions
G3, G4, G5, G8, G9, G13, G14, G15, G17, G18, G21, G22, G23, G24, G38, G39

Extra part - if we get there:  Pólya-Redfield Method
H2, H3, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H13, H14, H16, H17, H18, H19, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H27, H29, H30, H31, H35, H37, H40, H41, H42, H43, H47, H48, H49, H52, H54, H62, H68, H69, H70, H73, H74, H78, H81