Index of videos for 330

Please remember that when we were together we had class-time on section 13 and 14, including one day entirely devoted to a sophisticated example of cosets.

Since we have begun remotely here are our videos:

14.9:  An example of theorem 14.9 including extensive work with cosets.

14.11:  An example of theorem 14.11 similar to 14.9 but from a different perspective.

14.13:  Proving the equivalence of different ways to test for a subgroup to be normal.  

15:  Another example of normal subgroups and factor groups

15.18:  Simple groups and a proof of theorem 15.18 about maximal normal subgroups and simple groups.

15.20:  Abelianisation by quotients from the commutator subgroup are in this proof of theorem 15.20.

XM2 Review videos:

1. The first of two videos reviewing normal subgroups.  It cuts out, but I continue where it left off. 
2. The second of two videos reviewing normal subgroups.
3. An example of theorem 14.1, similar to the first and second videos above.
4. An example of definition 14.15 - inner automorphism and conjugation.

18.8:  high-school level proofs of sign and zero properties in rings.

18:  An example of a curious field

19.1:  Zero divisors and other analysis of the ring Z_n.

19.2:  Relationship between field and integral domain.

19.15:  A pretty easy result about characteristic of a ring

20.1:  Fermat's little theorem is rather easy to prove with algebra.

20.6 and 20.8:  Euler extends Fermat's result by working with rings and not only fields. 

20:  Some examples of equations in Z_n.   (and a little more because the video stopped a tiny bit too early)

21:  Introduction to the Field of Fractions, and the set of S, whose equivalence classes form elements of F

21:  Finishing step 1 of defining the elements in the  Field of Fractions, and the important step 2 of defining the operations for F.

21:  Talking about, but mostly not doing, step 3 of proving that the Field of Fractions is a field, and step 4 of seeing what we mean by saying that D is inside of F

21:  Introduction to theorem 21.6 - a different proof from the text, proving that the Field of Fractions is the "smallest" field containing D. 

21:  Most of theorem 21.6.

21:  Corollary 21.9, a slightly different proof

22:  Most of section 22.  Highlights:  proving than polynomial multiplication is associative and some introduction to the evaluation homomorphism. 

23:  Proof of the division algorithm for polynomials, along with the root-factor theorem.

23:  Proof of Corollary 23.6 about all finite subgroups of units of a field being cyclic, with a surprised appearance (to me at least) of Corollary 23.5.

23:  An introduction to reducible and irreducible polynomials.

23:  Some simple examples before Gauß's lemma (proven here, not by Fraleigh!)

23:  Eistenstein's Criteria plus a bonus application to cyclotomic polynomials.

23:  Unique factorisation and a corrected prior error