Vector Analysis Problem Sets

Problem Set 1

§1.6:  4, 19 (so to keep things clear, maybe use d(theta)/dt = a instead.  This is not the same k as in §1.5).
§3.2:  15

Problem Set 2

§3.4:  3, 4, 5, 8
§4.3:  7, 16

Problem Set 3

§4.5:  5, 6, 7
§4.8:  6, 13, 17

Problem Set 4

§8.3:  9, 10, 11, 12 (10-12 refer to a n-Ball (filled in), not an n-Sphere (empty inside))
§8.6:  5, 11, 13

Problem Set 5

§10.3:  7 (this problem is not true as it is written.  It is important that C_1 and C_2 both encircle the origin exactly once in the same direction.  Opposite directions cannot be equal as they are opposite signs, and the same direction twice gives twice the value, not the same.  If the question were true it would say every closed curve gives a result of zero which is very important to not be true), 8, 14, 19
§10.5:  5, 9 (feel free to quote #8), 14

Problem Set 6

§10.8:  6, 7, (9 or 10)

Ok, you wanted a short one.  Here it is.  But, the catch is . . you have no problem set over chapter 11, but it will be on the final.  Work on chapter 11 a bit, too. 

Fake Problem Set 7

Here are a few problems in §11 to consider:  §11.4 8, 13 and §11.6 7.  As per requests.