390 Annotated Bibliography assignment

Locate 5 sources for your research project.  At least 3 must be print sources (or at least sources that are in print).  At least 1 print source must not be an overview of all of mathematics history - it must be more specialised than that.  If you use internet sources, be extra careful that they are serious academic sources.  Do *not* cite Wikipedia.  You may cite the big source from our site.  There are two examples of what is and isn't sufficient.  

Once you have located your sources, cite them using the format in this example.  For each one write a paragraph summarising the relevant information in the source.  Then write a paragraph describing how you are going to wrap all of this into a paper.  It is due March 4.  

If you wish to present at GREAT day, I need title and abstract as you want published in the program at this time as well.