Galois Theory Errata for Ian Stewart's 4th Edition

On page 88 in the second full paragraph, "(The construction of a regular 17-gon is an example of a complicated construction that they missed: see
Chapter 19.)" should read "(The construction of a regular 17-gon is an example of a complicated construction that they missed: see Chapter 20.)".

On page 91 in the description of P_{n+1} it should say "z lies on two distinct circles in C_{n+1}"

On page 94 in the proof, line 7 says z=(alpha)*(z_1)+(1-alpha*z_2) but that z_2 should be on the outside of that parenthesis.  (1-alpha) should be multiplied by z_2 instead of solely multiplying alpha by z_2. 

On page 108, the third paragraph should start "...of degree 1, 2, 3, or 4 can..." instead of "...of degree 1, 2, ,3 or 4 can...".

On page 111 it should say "plugging these into the formulas for alpha and beta", not "alpha and gamma".

On page 84 the text between Definition 6.10 and Lemma 6.11 says "...see Exercise 6.11...", but it should read "...see Exercise 6.10..."

On page 84, Lemma 6.11 should read "if and only if L=K(alpha_1,...,alpha_r)..." instead of "if and only if L=K(alpha,...,alpha_r)..."

On page 101 in the description of P_{n+1} it should say "z lies on two distinct circles in C_{n+1}"

Page 101: the first equation should be "alpha^3 + alpha^2 - 2*alpha-1=0", not "alpha^3 + alpha^2 - 3*alpha-1=0".  

Page 101: the first full line should also say "x^3+x^2-2x-1 is irreducible..." not "x^3+x^2-2x-1 is irreducible..."

Page 116: In the third line of the second paragraph in section 8.7, it should read "...the alternating group A_n, which consists of..." instead of
"...the alternating group A_n,F which consists of..."

On page 129, the end of the introduction should say "...see Chapter 17.", not "...see Chapter 16."

On page 138, about halfway down the page the line that starts with "therefore" should start "Therefore we may..." instead of "therefore we

On page 139 immediately before Example 10.2, the sentence should read "...of the form (10.5) exists, so the monomorphisms are linearly independent."
instead of "...of the form (10.5) exists, so and the monomorphisms are linearly independent."

Also, on page 160 "3.11" should be "13.11".

Page 162: In (4) of Examples 14.2, the fourth line should read "...1, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)..." not "...1, (12)(34),(13)(24), (14)(23)..."

Page 172: In the paragraph after Definition 15.1, the last sentence should start "Indeed, if..." instead of "Indeed,if..."

Page 289: On the fifth line, Stewart references equation (6.3), but there is not a relevant equation (6.3).  He could instead say "...the value of the
equation above is an..."

Page 289: There is a QED in the middle of the proof for Theorem 24.5.  The QED should be moved to the end of the proof on the bottom of page 291.