Scores for Final Exam

You may have noticed that the exam totalled 150 points.  On your papers (which will be in the lab mailslots through the first week of the fall semester or so), there is both the raw total (out of 150) and a percentage score (which includes a moderate boost).  With the boost, the class average was 66.3%, with a median of 64.3%.  The standard deviation is a whopping 18.6%, reflecting that some did really well and some did really poorly.  Class grade distribution is below.

45% of the class benefitted from the last No-Risk quiz (that being 73% of the students who chose to take it).

The final grade distribution for the whole course is also shown.

Class grade distribution for the Exam is to the right.  The bars of the histogram correspond to the letter grades (A, B, C, D, and E). To see how to interpret numbers, go to this link.

Keep in mind that, in this class, homework scores are typically higher than exam scores.  The second histogram shows the class "extrapolated grades": combined performance on exams and homeworks.  In particular, these extrapolated grades include the homeworks 0 through 14.

Recall that exam scores which include the effect of the quizzes are posted to myCourses.

Your personal combined grade can be found on the Course Home tab in myCourses.

Final Exam distribution
Final Course Grade distribnbution