Scores for Exam 1

The overall class average was 86.7%, and the median was 90%.

NOTE:  This exam was clearly easier that I normally give in this course.  I think this was a result of the CAPA format, which I have never tried before.  I never adjust exam scores downwards or change the scoring rules after the exam, so this does not impact your score.  However, do not expect Exam 2 to be similar!  It will probably be harder, and I have some adjustments in mind for the CAPA scoring.

Note also that there was an error in question 6, which for many students resulted in CAPA giving credit for a slightly wrong answer, but not the right answer.

Class grade distribution is below, for the Exam alone and for Exams, HW, and Quizzes combined.  You can see your individual results in myCourses.  The bars of the histogram correspond to the letter grades.  To see how to interpret numbers, go to this link.

  Couse grade distribution