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Organization Directory

Welcome to the Student Organization Directory!

With more than 180 student clubs and organizations, there truly is something for everyone at SUNY Geneseo.

A college-registered Student Organization is any student-driven group whose primary membership and entire leadership consists of students enrolled at SUNY Geneseo; is formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development and the advancement of the College Mission; is non-credit bearing; and is officially registered with the Department of Student Life.

Full registration does not imply college endorsement of the positions and views of any organization. Rather, it implies that the institution accepts the organization’s mission as educationally valid and that the organization has complied with institutional registration and continuing registration procedures. 

Full registration with the College does not permit the organization to act in the name of the university, to represent the university, engage in any contractual obligation in the name of the university, nor represent the organization as being an official part of the university.

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Phi Kappa Pi

Clio was founded in 1872 and is the oldest sorority on the Geneseo campus. We are known for our gold and white colors, as well as our flower, the beautiful white daisy. Every year we participate in many charitable events, as well as our main one being Migrant Christmas.

Inter-Greek Council

IGC is a diverse group of Greek Students that govern Geneseo's Greek community. Fraternity and sorority members share service, scholastic, social, athletic, and leadership experiences. On a yearly basis Greeks participate in numerous service events to give back to their community, including the Day of Caring, Relay for Life, a canned food drive, and numerous other service projects within every organization. The vision of the Inter Greek Council of the State University of New York College at Geneseo is to celebrate life-long fraternal and sororal bonds while continuing to grow through academics, campus involvement, community service, leadership and social engagements; while further recognizing the responsibility of each member and member organization to serve as role models and promote these opportunities to the College community to further its development. ​

Alpha Delta Epsilon

A gender inclusive sorority that has a focus on diversity and inclusivity

Sigma Alpha Mu

Sigma Alpha Mu has been a pillar in greek life for over a hundred years, built on fostering in all of its members the values of true manhood, democracy, and humanity. A Sammy strives to create an open and accepting atmosphere anywhere he is, whether it is in his own backyard or across the country.

Men of Action and Change

On behalf of the organization Men of Action and Change, local chapter at the State University of New York College at Geneseo, all members are herein to swear by and uphold the statutes and codes inscribed in the following document. Men of Action and Change are inherently representative of themselves, as well as other members, at all times. They are to uphold the five core principles handed down by our forefathers of Service, Scholarship, Unity, Fitness, and Loyalty when conducting themselves both in private and public. We hold both on and off campus events.

Sigma Tau Psi

The mechanical essence of the fraternal organization is that each member contributes to the brotherhood and in turn derives certain benefits. These benefits are dependent upon the character of the contributor and the nature of the contribution. It is the fraternity's hope that each member will be those who excel in various aspects of campus life. In this way the campus, the fraternity, and the brotherhood will all benefit significantly.

Delta Kappa Tau

A. We, the Delta Kappa Tau Fraternity, set forth to sustain an organization of intelligent, young men promoting brotherhood, community, service, and scholarship. Furthermore, we draw on our roots in the original Delphic Fraternity, founded in 1871, in continuing its mission: “Extended cultivation of thought and language, and to fit fraternal activities more efficiently into this pattern.”

  • Meet Times:
    Weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in 17 Franklin Street

Phi Alpha Delta Chapter at SUNY Geneseo

The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service.

Phi Lambda Chi

The sisters of Phi Lambda Chi aim to maintain individuality while working together and promote harmony among all of the fraternal groups. It is important to the sisters to promote fellowship, scholarship and cooperation within the school and citizenship on the campus and in the community while upholding our Constitution and that of the Inter-Greek Council. Phi Lamb adopted Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester as their chapter's main philanthropy which fosters bonds among animals and people.

Sigma Delta Tau

Mission statement: "Sigma Delta Tau empowers each member to reach her fullest potential by enriching the experience of women with similar ideals, building lasting relationships, promoting civic responsibility and fostering personal growth." Sigma Delta Tau was founded by a group of 7 women experiencing religious discrimination at Cornell University in 1917. Over the years, the organization has fostered the guiding principle of 'Patriae Multae Spes Una' or commonly, 'One Hope of Many People.'