Organization Directory
Welcome to the Student Organization Directory!
With more than 180 student clubs and organizations, there truly is something for everyone at SUNY Geneseo.
Student Organization Definition
College Registered (Full Registration) student organization definition:
A college registered student organization at SUNY Geneseo is:
1.) any student-driven group whose primary membership and entire leadership consists of students currently enrolled at SUNY Geneseo and who are paying the mandatory student activity fee
2.) formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development and the advancement of the College Mission
3.) officially registered with the College through the Department of Student Life, as the Vice President of Student and Campus Life designee
4.) Membership is open to all full-time and part-time students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin, committed to the mission of the organization and upholding its constitution
The policies and procedures of SUNY Geneseo supersede any outside affiliation or inter/national entity for all organizations that have affiliations outside of Geneseo.
Full registration does not imply college endorsement of the positions and views of any organization. Rather, it implies that the institution accepts the organization’s mission as educationally valid and that the organization has complied with institutional registration and continuing registration procedures. For this reason, student organizations are prohibited from taking “Geneseo” in front of the organization name. Instead, student organizations are permitted to place “Geneseo” at the end of the name. For example, “Piano Club at Geneseo” or “Piano Club of Geneseo” are acceptable formats.
Full registration with the College does not permit the organization to act in the name of the university, to represent the university, engage in any contractual obligation in the name of the university, nor represent the organization as being an official part of the university.
Student groups that are formed and sponsored by academic and administrative departments, in the pursuit of research, administrative activities and academic endeavors, are not considered college registered student organizations. The sponsoring academic or administrative department assumes responsibility for the group and therefore can reserve space for the group under the department's name.
Between the LinesBetween the Lines is one of Geneseo's all gender acapella groups, performing a wide range of music arranged by our members, and prioritizing inclusion and uniqueness as our core values.
Exit 8 AcapellaExit 8 is Geneseo’s first all gender acapella group, performing at Geneseo’s all-acapella concerts, invitationals, festivals, the ICCA’s (International Championship of Collegiate Acapella), and more. Exit 8 is focused on bringing people together over their love of music! We perform a wide variety of musical genres and strive to create a welcoming environment for all students!
Flute ChoirFlute choir is an organization created to extend playing opportunities to student musicians who may or may not have the opportunity to be involved with other musical organizations on campus. This club rehearses weekly, with members learning music that is provided with the club. A few times a semester, members of this group perform at on-campus events. This club is open to all flute players, regardless of skill level.
Gajjda BhangraGajjda Bhangra team’s purpose is to utilize Bhangra as a culture and a style of dance to promote and contribute to a diverse and multi-faceted community through on-campus workshops and performance, as well as represent Geneseo at regional Bhangra competitions and festivals. Membership is open to all full-time and part-time students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin, committed to the mission of the organization and upholding its constitution.
Gospel ChoirWe are the only gospel musical group on campus! Our goal is to elevate and empower college students through ministry of gospel music on and off campus. As a Christian based group, we accept individuals from all backgrounds regardless of religious beliefs, musical experience, or lack thereof! We perform at Ghana gala, Kwanzaa, other cultural events and off campus invitationals.
GsteppasThe mission of G-Steppas is to form an inclusive space that enforces the importance of step culture while promoting a safe and fun environment for self-expression. Gsteppas works to build teamwork and discipline between members and to cultivate a family-oriented community. We aim to educate our team and the Geneseo community on the history and power of step-through performances.
Japanese Culture ClubJapanese Culture Club exists to promote relations between members of the club and the community through the exploration of Japanese culture. We act as a bridge between Japanese, American, and any culture with the intention to exchange cultural views and to dispel stereotypes. We have often collaborated with other culture clubs on campus through events providing food, stage performances, and more to highlight fascinating similarities and differences between different groups of peoples around the world.
Knightline Dance TeamKnightline Dance Team is the official dance team at SUNY Geneseo, and they perform fast paced jazz/kickline routines at Men's and Women's home basketball, hockey, lacrosse and soccer games. They also hold an annual benefit performance where money is raised for the American Cancer Society. Routines are choreographed by the team captains and the team is advised by Deborah Scodese French, an adjunct professor in the dance department.
Korye GeneseoEducating the Geneseo community through drumming workshops and performances at events held by different groups in the Livingston county area.
Musical Theatre ClubWe are a performing arts group that sings, dances, and acts on stage to provide a welcoming theatrical environment for all to participate in. We hold two revue shows a year that fall under a theme for our members to add numbers to and creatively express themselves through.
Optometry ClubMembers provide free vision screenings to community members each semester as time permits. While performing a vision screening, members must indicate that they are student volunteers, and that the screening just gives an estimate of the community member’s visual acuity (it is not an eye exam). Members of Optometry Club should encourage the community members present at the screening to see an eye care professional for a complete eye exam.
Poets SocietyPoets' Society exists to spread appreciation of poetry in its various forms and to provide a creative outlet for its members, existing as an open and accepting community of writers and listeners. We hope to not only extend knowledge of the craft and performance of poetry but also to encourage our members to embrace and engage the world of poetry beyond ourselves.
Pre-Dental ClubOur club is designed to create a community for students who are looking to pursue a career in dentistry. We advise students and help give information on classes, standardized tests, the application process, interviews and more. We meet bi-weekly. We hope to help students as they go through the process of applying to dental schools. We also participate in off-campus events such as workshops at UB Dental School. As stated on the Geneseo website, dentistry is an important career for public health. A career in dentistry focuses on patient health/safety while also emphasizes human empathy and care for others. "Dentists diagnose and treat diseases, injuries, and malformations of the teeth and mouth. They can perform surgical procedures such as implants, tissue grafts, extractions, and can improve the patient's appearance by using a variety of cosmetic dental procedures. Dentists educate patients on how to better care for their teeth and prevent oral disease." - Geneseo "Pre-Dental" Page
Sláinte Irish DanceSláinte Irish Dance is an Irish Dance Club opened to any and all people of any to no dance experience!
Southside BoysStudent Run A Cappella Group