Organization Directory
Welcome to the Student Organization Directory!
With more than 180 student clubs and organizations, there truly is something for everyone at SUNY Geneseo.
Student Organization Definition
College Registered (Full Registration) student organization definition:
A college registered student organization at SUNY Geneseo is:
1.) any student-driven group whose primary membership and entire leadership consists of students currently enrolled at SUNY Geneseo and who are paying the mandatory student activity fee
2.) formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development and the advancement of the College Mission
3.) officially registered with the College through the Department of Student Life, as the Vice President of Student and Campus Life designee
4.) Membership is open to all full-time and part-time students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin, committed to the mission of the organization and upholding its constitution
The policies and procedures of SUNY Geneseo supersede any outside affiliation or inter/national entity for all organizations that have affiliations outside of Geneseo.
Full registration does not imply college endorsement of the positions and views of any organization. Rather, it implies that the institution accepts the organization’s mission as educationally valid and that the organization has complied with institutional registration and continuing registration procedures. For this reason, student organizations are prohibited from taking “Geneseo” in front of the organization name. Instead, student organizations are permitted to place “Geneseo” at the end of the name. For example, “Piano Club at Geneseo” or “Piano Club of Geneseo” are acceptable formats.
Full registration with the College does not permit the organization to act in the name of the university, to represent the university, engage in any contractual obligation in the name of the university, nor represent the organization as being an official part of the university.
Student groups that are formed and sponsored by academic and administrative departments, in the pursuit of research, administrative activities and academic endeavors, are not considered college registered student organizations. The sponsoring academic or administrative department assumes responsibility for the group and therefore can reserve space for the group under the department's name.
Alpha Omega PiWe strive to promote closeness and personal growth through friendship and the exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings between all of the sisters of Alpha Omega Pi. Our organization aims to expand the participation of its members in academics by encouraging sisters to realize and acknowledge the full extent of their potential. We advance social interaction between greek life, the college, and the local community by coordinating activities and services that will be a benefit to the listed groups while maintaining the individuality and rights of those involved.
Alpha Phi OmegaWe are a service organization who do multiple versions of service: on-campus, off-campus, nation. We value our three pillars of leadership, friendship, and service and hold events related to them. Membership is open to all full-time and part-time students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin, committed to the mission of the organization and upholding its constitution.
Delta Kappa TauThe Delta Kappa Tau Fraternity, set forth to sustain an organization of intelligent, young men promoting brotherhood, community, service, and scholarship. "We draw on our roots in the original Delphic Fraternity, founded in 1871, in continuing its mission: “Extended cultivation of thought and language, and to fit fraternal activities more efficiently into this pattern.”
Delta Phi EpsilonDelta Phi Epsilon is an international social sorority founded in 1917 on the principles of justice, sisterhood, and love. DPhiE is welcome to all as our international governing board instituted a policy that welcomes transgender and non-binary members and celebrates the diversity of our chapter. Aside from social events, we also participate in fundraising for our philanthropies, participating in community service, and hosting different events with other campus organizations. Our motto is esse quam videri, which means to be rather than to seem to be. Delta Phi Epsilon celebrates the authenticity and uniqueness of each individual in our chapter, and encourages its members to be their true selves. As a sorority, we are committed to using our platform to speak out against injustices that directly and indirectly affect our members and their communities.
Golden Key International Honour SocietyThe Golden Key National Honour Society was founded in 1977 at Georgia State University, and the SUNY Geneseo chapter was chartered in 1994. The purpose of the society is to provide a forum for recognizing all exceptional students, regardless of their major or their level of involvement in campus activities. The SUNY Geneseo chapter extends invitations for membership each January to the top 15% of juniors and seniors (students with more than 60 credits). There are many benefits to membership in Golden Key. Newly inducted members pay a one-time membership fee, and are then entitled to participate in all Golden Key activities. In addition to being a resume builder, Golden Key membership offers chances at valuable leadership opportunities; chances to publish creative work in the society magazine, Concepts; and access to a wide network of advisors, alumni, and honorary members. Golden Key members receive access to Golden Key's Online Career Library, discounts to Kaplan Test Courses, and access to numerous national scholarship opportunities in all areas of academic and creative work. SUNY Geneseo's Golden Key chapter annually presents two scholarships: one to an outstanding new inductee, and one to an outstanding active member. Finally, the national organization also awards research grants and study abroad scholarships to qualified members. Our chapter focuses on providing academic service in the community of Geneseo and in the greater Livingston county. We do this by running registration workshops for freshman in the fall, reading to or with nearby elementary students, and supporting higher education in local high schools. We also participate in non-academically focused service activities, like Make-A-Difference Day, the Day of Caring, fundraising for the Livingston County Cares project, and Adopt-A-Family. We are a non-SA funded organization with a great deal of flexibility and resources. Our activities depend on the perceived needs of the community. If you have any suggestions for activities, feel free to contact us! If you are a recent invitee, please feel free to email chapter officers any questions you may have about Golden Key membership. If you are a student with less than 60 credits, please make Golden Key membership a goal to strive for in the future!
Inter-Greek CouncilIGC is a diverse group of Greek Students that govern Geneseo's Greek community. Fraternity and sorority members share service, scholastic, social, athletic, and leadership experiences. On a yearly basis Greeks participate in numerous service events to give back to their community, including the Day of Caring, Relay for Life, a canned food drive, and numerous other service projects within every organization. The vision of the Inter Greek Council of the State University of New York College at Geneseo is to celebrate life-long fraternal and sororal bonds while continuing to grow through academics, campus involvement, community service, leadership and social engagements; while further recognizing the responsibility of each member and member organization to serve as role models and promote these opportunities to the College community to further its development.
Kappa Delta Pi - Epsilon Tau ChapterSUNY Geneseo's chapter of the national education honor society, KDP. We aim to build and serve educational communities, both locally and nationally.
Kappa SigmaKappa Sigma is a men’s college fraternity. Its goals are many, but all center on the promotion of friendship, loyalty, and brotherly feeling. The objective of this organization is to excel in all phases of fraternity and student activities at SUNY Geneseo. To fulfill this objective, the development of scholarship, leadership, community service, social graces, and cultural awareness are encouraged and stressed. It is each Member’s duty to work diligently toward these objectives so that few may equal but none excel the ideal virtue of a true Kappa Sigma.
Men of Action and ChangeOn behalf of the organization Men of Action and Change, local chapter at the State University of New York College at Geneseo, all members are herein to swear by and uphold the statutes and codes inscribed in the following document. Men of Action and Change are inherently representative of themselves, as well as other members, at all times. They are to uphold the five core principles handed down by our forefathers of Service, Scholarship, Unity, Fitness, and Loyalty when conducting themselves both in private and public. We hold both on and off campus events.
National Order of OmegaChartered in 1993, the Nu Alpha Chapter of the National Order of Omega stands for Greek Excellence, both in academics and co-curricular activity. The Order of Omega is a nationally recognized Greek Honor Society. If accepted, applicants will be placed on a national roster, and become eligible for over 100 scholarships and graduate fellowships yearly. Following Chapter guidelines we are able to induct just 3% of the entire Greek population each year, making membership an extreme privilege and honor. National Order of Omega strives to represent Character, Scholarship, Intelligence, Service and Leadership.
Phi Kappa PiPhi Kappa Pi also known as Clio is a local sorority, founded in 1872! It was the first sorority at SUNY Geneseo. Clio's motto is "Loyalty Forever", and their colors are gold and white. Every year Clio holds a Christmas party for the METS program (Migrant Educational Tutorial Services) after collecting gifts for them; as well as choosing a new charity each semester that is personal to a sister!
Pi Kappa PhiOur Mission: To create an uncommon and lifelong brotherhood that develops leaders and encourages service to others for the betterment of our communities. \n\nOur Vision: A future where every Pi Kappa Phi embraces his role as a leader, puts service before self and improves the world around him. \n\nOur Public Values: Common Loyalty, Personal Responsibility, Achievement, Accountability, Campus Involvement, Responsible Citizenship, Lifelong Commitment.
Red Cross Club at SUNY GeneseoThe club organizes a variety of activities and fundraisers to support the Red Cross in disaster relief, blood drives, and more. Joining this club gives you the opportunity to serve a large, ever-growing community alongside your friends, providing valuable experience and a fresh approach to volunteering.
Royal Lady KnightsA local sorority that serves as both a service and a social organization
SIgma Gamma Phi/ ArethusaFounded in 1892, Sigma Gamma Phi, also known as SGPhi, is Geneseo's third oldest sorority on campus. We are a local organization with three other chapters at Fredonia, Oneonta, and Potsdam. Once a year we get together with our chapters, swap traditions, and have a great time meeting other sisters! In Geneseo we are involved in many philanthropic activities and charities. We pride ourselves on our commitment to bettering our community through service projects. Sigma Gamma Phi is also not your typical sorority - and we pride ourselves on that! Forming great friendships and long-lasting bonds with each other are at the forefront of our organization. This, in turn with our strong alumnae support, allow us to form a network of passionate and focused women all over the country. We are all different and unique individuals who contribute to make Sigma Gamma Phi one of the best organizations around!