Extraordinary Events Occurring Off-Campus

Extraordinary Events Occurring Off-Campus

Needs of Students

Students who need assistance following an extraordinary event occurring off-campus should observe the following guidelines:

A. Financial: Students facing financial need following an extraordinary event occurring off-campus should meet with the dean of students. Loans may be available to students who need emergency financial assistance. The application for such a loan can be found here. 

B. Housing: Students with a housing-based concern that relates to an extraordinary event occurring off-campus should contact either the Dean of Students or the Director of Residence Life. They, in turn, may contact other campus officials (such as the Vice President for Student and Campus Life) to resolve the issue.

C. Transportation: Students who have transportation needs following an extraordinary event off-campus should contact the dean of students, who may contact the student association, if appropriate, or other relevant individuals on campus. 

D. Academic Accommodations: If a student expects to miss class as a result of an extraordinary event occurring off-campus, they should see the dean of students. If the dean of students determines that faculty should be made aware and the student is unable to contact their faculty directly, s/he will make that contact for the student. If the student expects to miss an extended number of classes, the dean of students will contact the faculty on the student's behalf.

E. Counseling/Mental Health Needs: If a student expects to miss class as a result of an extraordinary event occurring off-campus, they should see the dean of students. If the dean of students determines that faculty should be made aware and the student is unable to contact their faculty directly, s/he will make that contact for the student. If the student expects to miss an extended number of classes, the dean of students will contact the faculty on the student's behalf.

Supporting Others

Students who wish to assist others following an extraordinary event occurring off-campus should observe the following guidelines:

A. Fundraising: If students are interested in raising funds in relation to an extraordinary event occurring off-campus, the director of student life should be contacted for information and guidance about how to proceed. The director of student life may be willing to co-sponsor fundraising events or may seek out other co-sponsors such as student association, the associate dean of leadership and service, and/or the director of campus events and scheduling.

B. Blood Drive/Bone Marrow Donations: If students wish to hold a blood drive or bone marrow donation event following an extraordinary event occurring off-campus, they should see the director of student life, who will determine if any similar events are already planned. If none are scheduled, the director will work with the dean of students and other individuals (such as the director of campus events and scheduling and the associate dean of leadership and service) to determine whether such an event is feasible.

C. Clothing and/or Food Drives: Students who wish to organize clothing or food drives following an extraordinary event occurring off-campus should contact the director of student life. S/he may contact the associate dean of leadership and service, the director of campus events and scheduling, and/or the coordinator of student volunteerism to help facilitate the event.

D. Transportation-related Activities: Students who wish to travel off-campus to assist others following an extraordinary event should contact the dean of students, who may in turn engage the student association.

E. Memorial Service: If a student wishes to sponsor a memorial service following an extraordinary event occurring off-campus and one is not already planned, the student should speak with the director of student life about proceeding. The director of student life may in turn engage interfaith services, university police, or cas, among others, to determine the logistics of a potential service.

F. Other: For all other forms of assistance that students may wish to offer following an extraordinary event occurring off-campus, the director of student life should be contacted to determine the feasibility of that particular form of assistance.