10 Great Hints for good advisement and academic success

1.  Be sure to see the Chair of the department when you declare the major.     

2.  Be sure to immediately make an appointment to see your advisor and make a tentative plan of your program from beginning to graduation.

3.  Be sure to check with your advisor and be aware of the rotation of courses.

*ANTH 208 Classics in Ethnography and ANTH 229 Ethnography and Film are sophomore or junior level classes – not appropriate for senior-level

*ANTH 410 and ANTH 421 – the Theory classes – are major status/senior level course.

4.  Plan to use your junior year to study abroad one or both semesters.  Use this as an opportunity to fulfill your language requirement.  You will need to plan for this experience when you select the major and select and apply for a program in your sophomore year.  Discuss this with your advisor, the Chair, and the Study Abroad Office in Erwin.

5.  Plan to include a directed study, research component, and an internship in your program.  Discuss this with your advisor.  There are web sites in your Student Handbook that you can use to find positions suitable to your interests.

6.  Be aware that you have a Senior Capstone courses, ANTH 410 Classic Theory or ANTH 421 Contemporary Theory that need to be taken in your senior year – plan for these accordingly

7.  Use the seminar room in the department (when there is not a class scheduled in there) to work with peers and faculty. Projects and interactions with peers and faculty will provide information that will enhance your undergraduate program.

8.  Plan to work with the faculty on research projects.  This is part of your undergraduate training and adds quality to your program and professional skills to your training.

9.  Train as an anthropologist with interest in all subfields and a passion for one or two (or all!).  Plan for life after Geneseo by talking with peers and discussing your interests with the faculty.  There are boundless opportunities with your training but you need to work hard, expand your horizons, and keep focused.  We will help you to do this.

10.  Lastly, be aware of what you need to do to complete your degree, not only in Anthropology but also in GenEd.  Don’t be surprised and dismayed in your last semester.  Prepare for graduation with your advisor and be aware of your responsibility for the rules and regulations (See the Geneseo Undergraduate Bulletin for important info).