Dr. David Granger, a School of Education faculty member, has just published his edited book John Dewey: A Reader for Teachers and Education Students with SUNY Press. As shared by SUNY Press, "This John Dewey reader was designed specifically for teachers, teacher educators, and education students. Using carefully selected articles, lectures, book chapters, and other brief writings from Dewey's collected works, it covers major concepts and ideas from his extensive research and reflections on education and teaching. The twenty-five readings were carefully chosen for their accessibility and their continuing relevance to the work of classroom teachers and other school-based practitioners. To enhance its usefulness, the book contains a glossary of Deweyan terms, summaries for each reading, a selective annotated bibliography, and an index. Instead of merely encountering Dewey's views secondhand, this volume empowers readers to access and explore primary sources in a user-friendly way."
Congratulations to Dr. Granger on this exciting new publication.
The book may be purchased directly from SUNY Press (30% discount code available - SNWS25).