Nine Women Join JFEW Scholars at Geneseo

Suny Geneseo Campus

Nine Geneseo students received 2015-17 scholarships this year through the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women-SUNY International Relations and Global Affairs Program. Back row (l to r) are Stella Oduro, Kiarra Monroe, Cynthia Medina, Ashley Hernandez and Cindy Lin. Front row (l to r) are Simone Weinmann, Antoinette Lubich-Claps, Nicola Mohan (2014-16 scholar), and Kami Smith.

GENESEO, N.Y. – Nine SUNY Geneseo students are intently focused on preparing for careers in international relations and global affairs thanks to the scholarships they have received for the 2015-17 academic years from the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women – SUNY International Relations and Global Affairs Program.

This year’s recipients join five other Geneseo women who received the scholarships last year for 2014-16 academic years and will complete their program in May. The latest scholarship recipients are all juniors from New York state and include Fatima Elmarakbi from Sunnyside; Ashley Hernandez from the Bronx; Cindy Lin from Middle Village; Antoinette Lubich-Claps from Brooklyn; Cynthia Medina from the Bronx; Kiarra Monroe from Baldwin; Stella Oduro from the Bronx, N.Y; Kami Smith from Lloyd Harbor; and Simone Weinmann from Northport.

The two-year awards also support leadership training skills through mentoring and networking opportunities.

“Students in this program have an outstanding opportunity to make a real difference in a world in great need of international relations expertise,” said Rob DiCarlo, associate director for internship opportunities in the college’s Career Design Center. “All of these students are very talented and seriously focused on this as a career. The program offers tremendous opportunities to explore and learn a great deal about what it entails.”

In addition to the scholarship support, the program includes a monthly seminar series for two academic years, paid internships in New York-based global organizations during the summer between the student’s junior and senior years. It also facilitates networking, professional development and mentoring opportunities.

The scholarship program, which started in 2011, is coordinated by the SUNY Levin Institute in partnership with three SUNY campuses: Geneseo, Binghamton University and Stony Brook University. The program is open to female students of all disciplines and religions. They also must demonstrate financial need and live in New York City or within a 50-mile radius of the city. The scholars receive up to $5,500 in scholarship assistance each year and receive a $3,500 stipend for the eight-week summer internship.

Scholarship applications for the next class of 2016-18 will be available this spring.

Media Contact:
David Irwin
Media Relations Director
(585) 245-5529