Research Study: Adolescent Participants Needed

We're looking for families to be in a SUNY-Geneseo study about sibling and peer relationships!

Who we are looking for:

  • Are you 17 years old?
  • Do you have a sibling within 15 to 30 months of your age?
  • Do you have a friend of the same sex?
  • Do you like pizza and brownies?

You may be eligible!

What you would have to do:

Our Adolescent Recruitment team would come to your home (or any location that is most convenient for you) to get acquainted with each other and answer any questions you might have about the study. During that same visit we would videotape you and your sibling cooking either brownies or pizza. Then we would videotape you with a friend, cooking something different. The visits would be arranged at your convenience--we're avail­able days, even­ings, and weekends. We will be visiting families throughout the school year.

To say thank you for participating, you are able to eat all of the food that you make and each participant will get a free movie ticket!

If you are interested in participating or have questions regarding the study please contact us:

by SPRG Lab Phone: (585) 245-5423
by email: