Sadegh Ansari is Assistant Professor of History of the Pre-Modern Islamic World at SUNY Geneseo. His research interests include the history of science, history of music, and the intellectual history of the pre-modern Islamic and Persianate Worlds. His works have recently appeared in the Journal of Abbasid Studies as well as the Journal Philological Encounters.

Curriculum Vitae
PhD in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University
The Science of Music: Knowledge Production in Medieval Baghdad and Beyond. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
“Learning and Patronizing the Science of Music among the Elite of Medieval Baghdad,” The Journal of Abbasid Studies (Fall 2019 issue, 6-2: 123-49).
“On Void and the Plausibility of the Copernican Paradigm: An Indo-Persian Link in The Early Qajar Reception of Modern Astronomy,” Philological Encounters (co-author; Fall 2020 Special Issue, 5: 378-408).
Guest editor, Philological Encounters, Special Issue on “Revealing a Hidden Collection: Columbia’s Collection of Muslim World Manuscripts” (Fall 2020 Issue, 5).