Frequently Asked Questions About Mail Services

Student Mail Services

What will my mailing address be?

The general mailing address for full-time undergraduate students will be according to the following format:

[Student Name]
Box [Number]
10 MacVittie Circle
Geneseo, New York 14454

Box number assignments will be mailed out to all on-campus students in their room assignment letter. Box numbers will also be available for students to view via SUNY Geneseo’s KnightWeb. To view your combination number you must login to KnightWeb and select Personal Information Menu and then View Address(es) and Phone(s). The mailbox number and complete mailing address is indicated under the Campus Box address. Your mailing address will always be the same during your entire time at SUNY Geneseo, regardless of the changes in your physical address.

Residence Halls are not a valid mailing address. To ensure that you receive all of your mail, you must use the address format shown above.

Where do I go to get my mail?

All full-time undergraduate students will have an assigned mailbox in the MacVittie College Union. Mailboxes are located in Mail Services Department on the 1st floor of the College Union.

What are the hours that I can access my mailbox?

Access to student mailboxes will coincide with the building hours of the MacVittie College Union.

How do I get a package that was sent to me?

All student parcel packages (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.) should be addressed using the same mailing address as your mail, with your box number.

All parcel packages will be received in Mail Services at the MacVittie College Union. Once received, students will be notified by email that they have a package to pick up and the package will then be distributed in two ways, depending on size: small packages will be left in mailboxes; all other packages, that do not fit in mailboxes, will be held behind the Customer Service counter and available for pick up during Mail Services business hours.

The Mail Services’ Customer Service counter will be staffed Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

How do I send outgoing mail and packages?

Stamped USPS mail can be placed in the Blue Post office box located outside of the College Union.
Any USPS packages or large envelopes will need to be taken to the Geneseo Post Office.

Do I have a mailbox if I live off campus?

All full time undergraduate off campus students will be assigned a mailbox in the College Union. While off campus students can still use their off campus address to receive mail, you should take note that the college will be using the mailboxes in the College Union as the primary mailing address for all full time undergraduate students. It is important that you check your mailbox in the College Union so you receive all of your mail.

How do I find my combination or mailbox number?

Box numbers will also be available for students to view via SUNY Geneseo’s KnightWeb. To view your combination number you must login to KnightWeb and select Personal Information Menu and then View Address(es) and Phone(s). The mailbox number and complete mailing address is indicated under the Campus Box address. Your mailing address will always be the same during your entire time at SUNY Geneseo, regardless of the changes in your physical address.

How do I use my combination number?

Instructions for your mailbox combination are as follows:

Turn left 4 times and stop at 1st number Turn right and pass the 1st number once and stop at 2nd number Turn left and stop at 3rd number Turn right to open Turn left after closing the mailbox to reset the lock

What if I require special accommodations?

All requests for special accommodations should be directed in writing to:

Director of Purchasing & Central Services
Doty 315
1 College Circle
Geneseo, New York 14454

and copied to:

Director of Student Accessibility Services
Erwin 22
1 College Circle
Geneseo, New York 14454.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

All questions regarding mail can be directed to any of the Mail Service staff at (585) 245-5691 or by email at

Faculty & Staff Mail Services

What is needed for a bulk mailing?

The mailing must be a minimum of 200 pieces and be in zip code order from low to high.

Does it cost more to send a F/C letter to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico?

A regular letter does not cost more to send to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. Priority mail will cost more and the rate depends on the exact location of where the letter is going.

When you are sending out a newsletter that needs to be folded, where should the fold be and how to should the newsletter be closed?

The United States Postal Office requires newsletters to be folded on the bottom with a piece of tape fastening the newsletter at the top.

When do you need to put a customs form on a package?

Customs forms are required to go on all packages that leave the country. Customs forms are located in Mail Services.

What is priority mail?

Priority Mail is any piece of mail that weighs over 14 ounces. It is usually delivered in 2 to 3 days. This is not guaranteed. There is no way to track priority mail.

Will Mail Services place flyers in student mailboxes on behalf of internal or external entities (e.g., campus departments or local businesses)?

No.  Student mailboxes are for official USPS mail only.  In addition, specific to on-campus departments, it is a University-wide policy, per SUNY Print Procedures (Document 6902), to: (1) limit printing to items essential for academic instruction or required to perform and complete University business (e.g., reports or forms for submission to Federal or State agencies) and (2) achieve University sustainability goals to reduce the University’s paper, energy use, and carbon footprint.