Contact Us

Contact Information and Video Submission

Thank you for visiting ProofSpace! The purpose of ProofSpace is to facilitate a flipped classroom
for a mathematical bridge course. ProofSpace is meant to be a single digital location for a large variety
of materials related to mathematical proofs, including video lectures and screencasts,
associated quizzes and problem set, and other related material. We want the material to be to useful
to you, and we want it to include various teaching styles. To achieve these goals, we seek feedback
on the existing material and contributions of new material.

Again, we want feedback from users, and we are strongly encouraging users to
submit their own videos, screencasts, problems, and supplemental materials.

In light of this, we encourage you to contact us if you have any questions, comments, concerns,
constructive criticisms, and compliments. We also encourage you to contact us if you want to create
and contribute your own screencasts or other content.

Aaron Heap - SUNY Geneseo

Phone: (585) 245-5391
Address: Department of Mathematics
               South Hall
               SUNY Geneseo
               1 College Circle
               Geneseo, NY 14454