Conferences 2012

Conferences 2012

Conference 2012

Disability Studies in Education 13th Annual Conference, Hunter College, NYC: Jamie Randall, Maryann Agus, Brianna Snyder, Tori Starr, Linda Ware, Jessica Pasik

Above--our DSE panel at Hunter College: Jamie Randall, Maryanne Agius, Brianna Snyder, Tori Starr, Linda Ware, and Jessica Pasick. Presented:

Ware, L.(2012). Co presented with SUNY Geneseo students (above). Left in the Dark—Interdisciplinary Disability Studies Meets the NYS Standards. Panel presentation at the 12th Annual Disability Studies in Education Conference, Hunter College/CUNY, New York, New York. May 25-27.


Conference 2012

Freire Award Recipients --Shirley Steinberg (Editor of Peter Lang Series, Studies in Postmodern Education Studies that includes Ware, L. Ideology and the Politics of (in)Exclusion, Christine Sleeter, discussant for Ware, AERA 2011, and Peter McLaren (UCLA)

Ware, L. (2012). Of life real and unreal: An ethics of the heart. Panel organizer for papers to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia. April 13-17.


Angela Davis

Angela Davis Keynote Addres, 13th Annual White Privilege Conference. Albuquerque, NM, March 2012.

Invited workshop: Ware, L. (2012). Disability Studies—Interrupting Privilege. The Annual Meeting of the White Privilege Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico. March 28-30.