

Here are our Committees and some of the things they do!

  • Recruitment Committee
    • Rush chairs develop the schedule for rush before the beginning of the semester.
    • They also keep track of who is interested in our organization.
    • Most importantly they answer questions people may have about our organization and help show everyone what we're really about!
  • Marketing Committee
    • They partner with rush to create flyers, posts and merchandise for recruitment.
    • They also have access to the organization's social media and take photos at event we have to mark them in our history.
    • Marketing also updates our sites to make sure our information is not out of date.
  • Community Service (CS) Committee/ Philanthropy/Fundraising
    • Plan events with the community of Geneseo to help out.
      • Some of these events are with places such as Tree Creations, Save the Wall and sending out letters to the military and those who helped out during the pandemic.
    • They also plan fundraising events for movements and awareness.
      • We plan on doing the Suicide Prevention Walk and working with Finger Lakes Cookies to collect money and put it toward an organization of our choice!
  • Professional Development (PD) Committee
    • Plan events with alumni, professors and people outside of Geneseo to learn about the different things we may come across when we begin to work after graduation or at internships.
      • We have some with alumni and faculty this semester!
    • Sometimes we even collaborate with GOLD!
  • Brotherhood Committee
    • Plans fun events to create a stronger bond with one another.
      • We've gone to Letchworth State Park, Wickham Farms and plan on going indoor rock climbing in town in November.