Identity-based Courses in Geneseo's Curriculum

We encourage students to engage in meaningful conversations on race, racism, identity, and discrimination during their time at Geneseo. We have compiled a non-exhaustive list of courses that will prompt discussion on these topics so that students can continue the conversations that began in academic year 2019-20 and continue to underscore Geneseo's commitment to broad and inclusive education every year.

While not every course is offered every semester, we encourage students to consult each semester's Course Schedule for courses that approach identity through different disciplinary lenses will enhance their academic programs.  

Please write to suggest additions.

From the SUNY Geneseo Bulletin

AMST 201: U/Topic American Studies 
AMST 262/HIST 262: S/M/ American Indian Law & Public Policy
ANTH 100: S/M/ Intr Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 101: S/M/ Exploration of Human Diversity
ANTH 110: Intro to Archaeology
ANTH 120: S/Language and Culture
ANTH 202: S/M/ Nutrition, Disease, and Health
ANTH 207: S/M/ Ancient Civilizations of North America
ANTH 208: M/Classics of Ethnography*
ANTH 215: S/M/ Ancient Civilizations of the Old World
ANTH 216: S/M/ Race, Racism, and the Black Experience in the Americas
ANTH 220: Intro to Linguistic Analysis
ANTH 226: M/Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean
ANTH 229: S/M/Ethnography and Film*
ANTH 231: S/Language and Gender
ANTH 235: S/M/ Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica and the Andes
ANTH 302: Medical Anthropology
ANTH 305: Field Methods in Linguistics
ANTH 306: Human Growth & Development
ANTH 313: Global Health Issues
ANTH 318: Gender and Sexuality in Latin America
ANTH 328: Language Socialization
ANTH 318: Gender & Sexuality
ANTH 328: Language Socialization
ANTH 336: Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 343: Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women's Health
ANTH 421: Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
ARTH 281: F/M/ Pre-Columbian and Latin American Art*
ARTH 300: Fashion, Art, & Politics
BIOL 235: M/Disease and the Developing World*
BLKS 200: Introduction to Black Studies
BLKS 220: Black Lives Matter: (subtitle)
BLKS 225: F/ Black Cinema
COMN 356: Advanced Issues in Critical Studies: (subtitles such as Urban Development and Activism; Peace Communication; Black Rhetoric; Allyhood in Action)
DANC 104-01: Cul Dance I: Latin Dances
DANC 204-01: Cul Dance II: Jamaican Dances*
DANC 211: Cultural Dance: Asian People
ECED 355: Diversity and Inclusion in EC Classrooms
ENGL 101-04: TL:Gender/NarrWutheringHeights
ENGL 203-01: Reader & Text: Asian-American Lit
ENGL 203-03: Reader & Text: Marginal Spaces
ENGL 335: Asian American Literature Survey*
ENGL 336: Native American Literature*
ENGL 337: African American Literature
ENGL 342: World Literature*
ENGL 344: Black Atlantic Writing*
ENGL 360: M/Post-Colonial Literature: (Subtitle)*
ENGL 427: Literary Representations of Disability*
ENGL 443: Gender, Sexuality, and Literature
ENGL 439-01: American Ways: Ecocinema*
ENGL 468-01: Nigerian Lit*
XLRN 201: Real World Geneseo
XLRN 288: Dialogue Facilitation Training
FREN 474: Francophone Lit, Afr&Caribbean*
FREN 513: Contemporary Civilization*
GEOG 102: Human Geography
GEOG 123: S/M/ The Developing World
GEOG 262: M/ Geography of Latin America
GEOG 263: M/Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
GEOG 265: M/ The Geography of Islam
GEOG 266: M/ Geography of the Western Pacific Rim
HIST 120: Military History of the USA
HIST 161: Issues: American Populism
HIST 163: S/U/ African American History to 1877
HIST 164: S/U/ African American History from 1877
HIST 204: US Since 1945
HIST 240: Medicine to 1600
HIST 244: Europe in the Shadow of War
HIST 249: AfAmNYC1865-1920
HIST 260: Women in US History
HIST 261: M/U/ Native American History
HIST 262: AmerIndian Law & Public Policy
HIST 263: S/U/ Civil War and Reconstruction: The United States 1848-1877
HIST 264: S/U/ United States Immigration History
HIST 266: S/U/ Civil Rights Movement in America
HIST 267: S/U/ Women and U.S. Social Movements
HIST 270: S/M/ History of Latin America to 1825
HIST 271: S/M/ History of Latin America since 1825
HIST 275: Global History of Sexual Science
HIST 281: M/ Traditional East Asian History to 1840
HIST 282: History of East Asia Since 1840
HIST 284-01: S/MSt in LACAANA Hist: S Asia
HIST 284-02: S/MSt in LACAANA Hist: Chinese 1800
HIST 291: M/The Islamic World: 600-1800
HIST 292: ModernIslamicWorld: 1800-present
HIST 301-02: Intrp-Hist: Reconstruction
HIST 301-05: Interpretations History: Shanghai
HIST 302-01: Environmental History in Modern US
HIST 302-02: Research in History: Rural History
HIST 302-04: Rs-Hs: Native America, 1523-1840
HIST 411: Making of Modern America, 1918-1945*
HIST 453: Atlantic Slaveries*
HIST 480: Nationalism & Ethnic Violence*
HIST 480-01: LACAANA: Gandhi & Violence*
HIST 480-02: LACAANA History Lecture*
HUMN 222: H/W/ Black Humanities
INTD 105-02: Writing Seminar: African Lives in Short
INTD 105-04: Writing Seminar: Blackness & Media
INTD 105-07: Writing Seminar: Free Speech & Art
INTD 105-14: Writing Seminar: Faces of Addiction
INTD 105-15: Writing Seminar: Race, Trauma, and Community
INTD 105-25: WS: Coming of Age in Life & Lit
INTD 203: U/Social Foundations of Education in the US
INTD 251: Leadership, Values, & Inclusion
MUSC 123: F/M/Music of the World’s Peoples
PHIL 214: M/Chinese Philosophy
PHIL 215: M/Eastern Philosophy
PHIL 202: World Religions
PHIL 288: Exp: Pun, Race, Carceral State
PHIL 397: Sem: Islamic Political Philosophy
PLSC 110: American Politics
PLSC 140: International Politics
PLSC 202: M/World Religions & Contemporary Issues
PLSC 228: S/M/Developing World Politics
PLSC 240: M/Asia in the Global Setting
PLSC 360: Developing World Politics
PLSC 361: Women & Politics
PLS 412: American Social Welfare Policy*
PLSC 419: Constitutional Rights & Liberties*
PLSC 430: War & Peace in the Middle East*
PLSC 432: Liberal Democracy & Critics*
PSYC 294: Peer Advocacy
PSYC 350: Social Psychology*
PSYC 385: Cross-Cultural Psychology*
PSYC 390: Gender & Development of Aggression*
PSYC 452-05: Threat & Prejudice*
PSYC 452-06: Peace Psychology*
SOCL 102: Intro to Social Problems & Public Policy
SOCL 105: Intro to Global Social Change
SOCL 201 - Black Women in American Society
SOCL 210: Sociology of Families*
SOCL 213: Sociology of Medicine
SOCL 230: Race & Ethnicity
SOCL 240: Sociology of Religion
SOCL 281: Gender & Development*
SOCL 314: Illness, Self, & Society*
SOCL 340: Social Movements*
SOCL 347: Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency*
SPAN 201: Social Migration*
SPAN 201: Spanish for Arts*
SPAN 324: Language Policy & Plan*
SPAN 325: Spanish Civ I: Origins - 19th Century*
SPAN 482: Hispanic Lit&Cul*
THEA 204: F/M/Asian Theatre Survey
THEA 205: History of Asian Costume
THEA 305: Living Asian American*
WGST 100: Intro to Women & Gender Studies
WGST 203: Language and Gender
WGST 204-01: Global Issues o Sex & Gender
WGST 204-02: Arab Women, Islam & Feminism
WGST 230: Introduction to Queer Studies
WGST 310: Race, Class, and Gender
WGST 320: Gender & Sexualities
WGST 330: Feminist Theories
XLRN 150: Foundations in Social Identity
XLRN 250: Intergroup Dialogue
XLRN 350: Intergroup Dialogue Facilitator Training

* Courses have prerequisites