Jennifer Guzmán has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2014

Office Hours
Spring 2025
Wednesday 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Friday 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
M.A. University of California, Davis
B.A. University of Notre Dame
2023 Medeiros MA and JR Guzmán (Editors). Ethnographic Insights on Latin America and the Caribbean. University of Toronto Press.
In Press Guzmán, JR. In Pursuit of Health/Communicative Justice through an Intercultural Health Model in Indigenous Chile. Invited chapter for K Riley, BC Perley, and IM García-Sánchez (eds.). Language and Social Justice: A Global Perspective. Bloomsbury Publishers.
2022 Guzmán, JR. Raitera, Ally, Accomplice: Giving Rides as Engaged Ethnography. Anthropology & Humanism 47(2): 312-328. DOI: 10.1111/ANHU.12388.
2020 Mikesell, L, A Marti, JR Guzmán, M McCreary, B Zima. Attending to Parent and Child Rights to Make Medication Decisions in Pediatric Psychiatry Visits. In C Lindholm, M Stevanovic, and E Weist (Eds.). Joint Decision Making in Mental Health: An Interactional Approach. Palgrave MacMillan. Pp. 69-94.
2020 Medeiros MA and JR Guzmán. Im/migrant Farmworker Deportability Fears and Mental Health in the Trump Era: A Study of Polimigra and Contramigra in New York State. Culture, Agriculture, Food, and Environment 42(2):103-113.
2020 Guzmán, JR and MA Medeiros. Damned If You Drive, Damned If You Don’t: Meso-level Policy and Im/migrant Farmworker Tactics under a Regime of Immobility. Human Organization 79(2):130-139.
2020 Guzmán, JR. Time Discipline and Health/Communicative Labor in Pediatric Primary Care. Medical Anthropology. DOI:10.1080/01459740.2020.1750012
2020 Guzmán, JR., MA Medeiros, and G Faulkner. Teaching Im/migration through an Ethnographic Portrait Project. Teaching and Learning Anthropology 3(1).
2019 Guzmán, JR. Etiological Storytelling and the Interdiscursive Trajectory of a Diagnostic Odyssey. In E. Falconi & K. Graber (Eds.). Storytelling as Narrative Practice: Ethnographic Approaches to the Tales We Tell. Boston: Brill Press. Pp. 196-225.
2019 Guzmán, JR, DA Paterniti, Y Liu, and DM Tarn. Factors Related to Disclosure and Nondisclosure of Dietary Supplements in Primary care, Integrative, and Naturopathic Medicine. Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention 5:109.
2019 Guzmán, JR and MA Medeiros. An Unlikely Cause: The Struggle for Driver’s Licenses to Prevent Family Separation. Practicing Anthropology 41(1):3-6.
2018 L Mikesell, FA Marti, JR Guzmán, M McCreary & B Zima. Affordances of mHealth technology and the structuring of clinic communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 46(3):323-347. DOI: 10.1080/00909882.2018.1465195
2017 Pritzker, SE, JR Guzmán, K Hui, DM Tarn. The Third Speaker: The Body as Interlocutor in Conventional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Encounters. Communication and Medicine 14(3):256-267.
2016 Medeiros, MA, and JR Guzmán. Ethnographic Service Learning: An Approach for Transformational Learning. Teaching Anthropology 6:66-72.
2015 Guzmán, JR. The Epistemics of Symptom Experience and Symptom Accounts in Mapuche Healing and Pediatric Primary Care in Southern Chile. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 24(3):249-276.
2014 Tarn, DM, JR Guzmán, JS Good, NS Wenger, ID Coulter, DA Paterniti. Provider and Patient Expectations for Dietary Supplement Discussions. Journal of General Internal Medicine 29(9):1242–9.
2014 Guzmán, JR. The Epistemics of Symptom Experience and Symptom Accounts in Mapuche Healing and Pediatric Primary Care in Southern Chile. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 24(3):249-276.
2013 Guzmán, JR. Review: Scripting Addiction. S. E. Carr. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 23(2):E102-E104.
Research Interests
Dr. Guzmán is a linguistic and medical anthropologist. She has conducted and collaborated on studies of clinical interaction in a range of conventional, CAM/IM, and ethnomedical contexts in Chile and the United States. Her most recent research addresses the creative ways that people confront health challenges and advocate for themselves within systems that are harmful to health, including intercultural health efforts in Chile and immigrant/labor rights organizing in the New York State. Dr. Guzmán is co-editor of Ethnographic Insights on Latin America and the Caribbean (University of Toronto Press), an edited collection designed for undergraduate teaching. She is presently working on a co-edited volume titled Language and Health in Action,which will highlight emerging scholarship at the intersection of linguistic and medical anthropology.
ANTH 305: Linguistic Methods
This course provides theoretical and practical training in the methods used by linguistic anthropologists, applied linguists, and sociolinguists to study naturally occurring language use, "language in the wild". Students learn data selection, transcription, and analysis techniques as well as the ethical principles that govern this kind of research. The course introduces several traditions of discourse analysis and focuses on talk in institutional settings. Examples may include emergency service (911) calls, doctor-patient communication, courtroom discourse, and political news interviews. Students carry out an independent analysis on a type of discourse of their own choosing. Broadly speaking, this course teaches students to look and listen as a discourse analyst, interpret what they see and hear, and share what they learn with an audience of their peers.
ANTH 313: Global Health Issues
This course examines the effects of globalization on the health of people around the globe and relates disparities in the spread of preventable diseases and access to basic health services to the growing inequality between rich and poor nations. The course draws from contemporary global health research to explore issues such as, the spread of infectious and chronic disease, food and water insecurity, environmental health, and the effects of violence and war on global health. The theoretical perspectives used to analyze these issues draws on the work of critical medical anthropology, eco-social epidemiology, applied anthropology, and public health.
ANTH 322: Anthropology of Borderlands
This course explores the border region as a space of crossing and encounter, one where people's lives are shaped by migration and the many legal, economic, historical, and cultural factors that impact the migration experience. Course content focuses on (1) the impacts of the border and of immigration enforcement policies on the lives of migrants and long-time residents in the region and (2) movements that are focused on social transformation of the border status quo.