SUNY Voluntary Savings Plan
The State University of New York provides employees with the opportunity to save for their retirement through the SUNY Voluntary Savings Program and the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan. Participating in a voluntary savings plan is a great way to build your retirement savings and allows for retirement savings on a pre-and post-tax basis. All employees who receive a W2 from SUNY are eligible to participate in the SUNY Voluntary Savings Options.
How Do I Enroll or Manage my Account?
- NYS Deferred Compensation - ENROLL using the materials online or by calling 1-800-422-8463.
- SUNY Voluntary 403(b) Plan - To ENROLL or MANAGE ACCOUNTS visit Retirement@Work to either create an account or login into your existing account. Click HERE for step-by-step instructions and guidance on choosing effective dates.
Overview & Plan Types
- SUNY Universal Availability Notice
- SUNY Voluntary 403(b) Plan FAQs
- New York State Deferred Compensation
- SUNY 403b/SUNY Roth 403(b)/NYS Deferred Comp 457 Comparison Chart
SUNY Investment Providers/Campus Representatives
- VOYA: Gary & Matt Witten - 716-626-3928/
- COREBRIDGE FINANCIAL: Robert Leombruno - 585-506-7943/
- FIDELITY: Bill Stark - 716 -270-7732/
- TIAA: Darryl Fiasconaro - 315-477-9004/
- NYS DEFERRED COMPENSATION: Mark Wallace - 716-903-7253
Additional Information
You can learn more about the Voluntary Savings Plan details and options available to you by visiting the following sites:
- IRS Information on Roth Savings
- Choosing Your Investments
- Fidelity Contribution Calculator - see the power of small amounts, and how a small change today can make a big difference in the future with this calculator, along with the Contribution Maximizer calculator
- Use Fidelity Take Home Pay Calculator or Paycheck City to see how a pre-tax contribution can affect your net pay