2005 Presentations

2005 Presentations


  • Welch, K. P., DeHart, G., B., Lazio-Maimone, L., Parks, J. M., and Doyle, S. M. (2005, August). Pretend play with siblings and friends in early childhood. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.


  • Bryant, J. B., and DeHart, G., B. (2005, July). "It's a little freaky": Boys' mitigation of verbal expressions of affection and affiliation. Poster accepted for presentation at the Tenth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, Germany.


  • DeHart, G. B., and Stauffacher, K. (2005, April). Young children's relational aggression toward siblings and friends: Normative development and individual differences. In J. Ostrov and N. Crick (Chairs), Relational aggression and relationships during early childhood. Symposium accepted for presentation at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta.


  • Cornwall, C. C., DeHart, G. B., Aloi, D. E., Welch, K. P., and Kennedy, B. W. (2005, April). Preschoolers' prosocial behavior and aggression with siblings and with friends. Poster accepted for presentation at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta.


  • Stauffacher, K., DeHart, G. B., Lazio-Maimone, L., Bartlett, M., and Stromberg, C. (2005, April). Relational aggression in interactions with friends during early and middle childhood. Poster accepted for presentation at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta.