Research Interests
- Social Influence
- Environmental Psychology
- Psychology of Happiness.
Links of Interest

Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Arizona State University, 1993
BA, Auburn University, 1983
Selected Publications
Allen, J. B., (2017). The psychology of happiness in the modern world: A social psychological approach. Springer Publishing Company, New York.
Recent Classes Taught
Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods (Psyc 251)
Environmental Psychology (Psyc 275)
Psychology of Happiness (Psyc 278)
Social Psychology (Psyc 350)
Selected Topics: Misinformation (Psyc 390)
Advanced Research in Psychology: Environmental Attitudes (Psyc 452)
PSYC 278: Psychology of Happiness
This course is an introduction to the empirical study of human happiness and well-being. Topics include how values, personality and social characteristics, attitudes, and cultural and evolutionary variables predict and potentially affect human happiness. Special emphasis will be placed on understanding how and why these variables are related to happiness.
PSYC 350: Social Psychology
A study of the behavior of the individual in the social context, with attention to leadership and small group phenomena, social motivation, attitudes and attitude change. Selected research techniques in social psychology.
PSYC 390: Top: Social Psych of Belonging
An in-depth study of a selected topic in psychology, chosen to allow an integrated consideration of the topic from the points of view of various approaches to psychological inquiry. Examples may include: The Nature-Nurture Question; Approaches to Understanding Aggression; Great Ideas in Psychology; or other topics.