Faculty Research Projects

Faculty Research Projects

Lynette M.F. Bosch

Areas of Scholarly Research


Italian and Spanish Renaissance and Contemporary Latin American Art

Work in Progress

Continuing work on "Mannerism, Spirituality and Cognition."  Book-lenght project for Ashgate/Routledge, under contract. 



  • North American modern and contemporary (late 20th and 21st century) visual and material culture, design and practice

  • Museums theory and practice

  • Gender identity and third-wave feminism

  • Built environment of the Diaspora communities in Africa and Latin America

  • Aboriginal (North and Central American) art and issues of display and retribution

  • Design and Craft theory and research methodology


Book: Alla Myzelev, ed. Tchotchkes in the White Cube: Exhibiting Craft and Design in the 20th Century, under review.

Book chapter: “Touchy, feely space: Let the yarn come in.” in Alla Myzelev (ed). Tchotchkes in the White Cube: Exhibiting Craft and Design in the 20th Century, under review with Ashgate Press

Article: “Creating Digital Materiality: Feminism and Contemporary Culture of Making” under review

Article:  “Canadian Aboriginal Ballets: Performance at the Nazi Olympic Games (1936) and the Notion of Cultural Translation,” Journal of European Studies, Under Review.


Charles Burroughs

Research Interests:

Italian architecture, urbanism, and virtual architecture 1350-1650; ideas about origins from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment; Painting and Political Philosophy in the Renaissance -- the Case of Botticelli; Plantation Architecture and Landscapes in the Old and New Worlds. Hybrid Modernist Architecture in New York State (The Case of Edgar Tafel); F.L. Olmsted and the Effects of Landscape: Rivers and River Imagery in the Imaginary and in Urban Design, in Europe and the Americas.


Current Projects:

  • In preparation:

The Political Primavera: Thinking with Gods in Renaissance Florence