Squire Express Delivery

FREE Delivery Campuswide!

Our true-blue delivery service is a means to support our Geneseo Knights and campus community. Free delivery is now available campuswide and within a 1-mile radius of campus. As of fall 2024 we are also expanding our menu offerings and adjusting our hours. Squire Express delivery service will include a menu of freshly-made wings, pizzas, pastas, subs and more!

Available 4:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 

We've adjusted our hours! View our menu online (Note: the most current menu selection is available on our mobile app. See details below.)

How it Works

Simply place your mobile order from your smart device. Please submit your order at least 30 minutes prior to your desired pickup time. Deliveries begin at 11:00 a.m. and run through 2:30 p.m. on weekdays.

  • Download and install our Mobile Ordering App
  • Place your customizable food order by selecting Squire Express Delivery
  • Choose your drop-off location and time
  • Pay for your order. We accept Retail Dollars, Campus Cash, FAST Account, and Credit Cards 
  • Pick up your order at the drop off location*

*Please pick up orders within 10 minutes of delivery time. Orders that are not picked up will go back to Letchworth and be available for pickup on the first floor.