CIT Training


Brightspace: Self-Paced Online Training 

New to Brightspace? Take these courses and watch these videos.

Faculty and Staff:


Familiar with Brightspace but have topic-specific questions?

Contact the Brightspace Support Team with questions and concerns.

Digital Storage Strategy Webinar

CIT has developed a strategy for consolidating cloud storage platforms to improve productivity, collaboration, accessibility, and security for our community. 

We have completed our DSS sessions but you can watch the recording of our recent webinar! Microsoft Teams Meeting-20240620_143259-Meeting Recording.mp4

LinkedIn Learning: Self-Paced Online Training 

Geneseo students, faculty, and staff have FREE access to the entire LinkedIn Learning training library (over 7,500 courses, and more are added every week) through Geneseo's site license. For more information, visit the LinkedIn Learning Self-Help page.

CIT is available to tailor a training class for faculty in your department who want to learn together! To request a personalized workshop, submit a request

Contact Laurie Fox if you have questions or suggestions for future workshops.

 Upcoming Workshops

Check back for upcoming training.