Degree Works graduation check:

Pre-Graduation Checks

10-item checklist for Graduation

Graduation Check Appointment with your Academic Advisor

Beginning in the fall 2020, we are consolidating "junior" and "senior" pre-grad checks into one pre-graduation check.  Pre-grad checks will be required when a student reaches at least 75 credits AND 75% degree completion.

These audit checks are put in place to ensure that a student understands what graduation requirements remain incomplete. The student’s Degree Works record is the basis for this audit. 

Students and advisors can access this form any time using myGeneseo to confirm the record of student progress toward the degree—and we encourage students to keep a close check on their Degree Works reports. A hold is placed on student's account when there's a pending graduation check which is removed by the advisor when the graduation check is completed. Students bear the responsibility for tracking their progress toward graduation and for fulfilling all requirements.

DEGREEWORKS NOTE:  Requirement percentage is calculated when credit requirements towards a major are earned. Meaning that DegreeWorks will not read 100% until final (earned) grades are submitted at the end of the semester. Credit percentage is indicative of credits applied toward the degree requirement, including those "in-progress" (IP).