Message Regarding the Governor's Mandate of Nov. 13, 2020

Dear Students:
To say the least, this has been a rough and uncommon semester. As health and safety have been paramount, many restrictions have been placed on all of us, but especially you. We recognize that, and thank you for your continued vigilance and safety. We also indicated that we would continuously evaluate the infection rate here at the College, in Geneseo, and in Livingston County, and adjust our rules and policies accordingly. The State is doing the same.
Due to reported increases in COVID-19 illnesses, just yesterday (Nov. 11) Governor Cuomo issued new mandates to try to curtail the spread of the virus. His press release can be found here. In particular, as it pertains to you, and us, he has mandated that "indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences will be limited to no more than 10 people.” This mandate goes into effect starting tomorrow.
So starting Friday, there can be no more than 10 people gathered inside or outside a home, unless they are family members who already live there. 
As previously outlined in our "Off-Campus Policies and Expectations During COVID-19 Pandemic” policy, "Students are not permitted to organize or attend residential, off-campus events or gatherings that exceed 2 times occupancy at that dwelling/location. This new state mandate further restricts gatherings beyond the 2x limit to a maximum of 10 total.
In the Governor’s message, he indicates, "The rules are only as good as the enforcement. Local governments are in charge of enforcement. There are only two fundamental truths in this situation: it's individual discipline and it's government enforcement. Period. End of sentence. I need the local governments to enforce this.” We expect that both we, and local law enforcement, will be charged and required to enforce this.
As a reminder, Geneseo’s policy on the Chancellor’s  uniform mandatory sanctioning can be found here. The Chancellor’s mandate covers the Governor’s new restrictions. 
Thank you again for all you are doing to keep yourselves and each other safe.
Dean Sancilio