Cultivating Community
About the Series
Cultivating Community is a dialogue-centered program that strives to create a collaborative, engaging, and generative space for members of the campus community to explore the role that diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility play in belonging. Cultivating Community shares the College’s values for learning, creativity, belonging, civic engagement, and sustainability and centers inter-role collaboration, personal accountability and growth, and informed optimism.
Cultivating Community Creatively:
Working Together to Honor and Embrace Uniqueness
This fall we are leaning into the College’s value for creativity as a tool for cultivating community.
Please join us in the Union Ballroom on Wednesday, December 4, from 2:30-3:45 pm to recognize, support, and celebrate our own and others’ uniqueness and the valuable contribution it makes to our campus community.
We invite you to wear or bring something yellow.
When: December 4, 2:30-3:45pm
Where: College Union Ballroom
Register Here
Meredith Harrigan, professor of communication, and series co-coordinator
Phone: (585) 245-6331
Clifton Harcum, interim chief diversity officer, and series co-coordinator
Phone: (585) 245-5020