Dr. Urso (preferred pronouns: she, her/s) is a recipient of the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2019), and has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2008. Dr. Urso is a Past President of the New York State Council for Exceptional Children, President and Fellow of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, Project Director of the Soaring Stars Program at SUNY Geneseo, co-advisor to Kappa Delta Pi's Epsilon Tau Chapter, past chair and member of the SUNY Geneseo Research Council, and serves as Geneseo's faculty senator on the SUNY Faculty Senate.
Dr. Urso's curriculum and program development for the college is broadbased and active. Dr. Urso set up the Bogazici University Faculty and Student Exchange Program and coordinated the TESOL sequence. She is the author of the undergraduate and graduate Integrative Curriculuar Microcredential in Dyslexia, and is the coordinator for that credential.
Dr. Urso has an active service and scholarly research agenda. She is the recipient of over $1.6 million in local, regional, and state funding to support projects in the local schools and community, as well as to conduct research. Dr. Urso is an expert in assessment and intervention for individuals with learning disabilities, specializing in dyslexia. She teaches coursework at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Dr. Urso is active in the community. She is the past chairperson and current member of the Livingston County Community Services Board Developmental Disabilities Subcommittee. During 2022, Dr. Urso started working closely with the Student Success Project - a working group affiliated with the Educational Success Foundation/EnCompass in Rochester to develop parent advocacy materials related to special education topics. Students who are interested in participating in the project for credit can contact Dr. Urso at urso@geneseo.edu.
Dr. Urso's google scholar profile can be found here

Office Hours
Fall 2024
Tuesday 11-12:30pm.
Thursday 3:30-5:00pm
Additional hours also available by appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., University of Arizona
M.S.Ed., SUNY College at Oneonta
B.S., College of St. Rose, Albany NY
University of Arizona
Arizona State University
Fellow and President of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities
Past-President of the New York State Chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children
Program Reviewer, International Dyslexia Association
Member and Past Chair Developmental Disabilities Subcommittee, Livingston County Community Services Board
Student Success Project Steering Committee, EnCompass: Resources for Learning
Editorial Board of Reading Psychology
Editorial Board of the International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities
Editorial Board of Learning Disabilities, A Multidisciplinary Journal
International Dyslexia Association, Member and Accreditation Reviewer
Council for Exceptional Children, Member and Accreditation Reviewer. Subdivision membership: Division of Learning Disabilities, Division of Research, Division of Diverse Exceptional Learners, and Division of Teacher Education
New York State Association of School Psychologists (Associate Member)
Learning Disabilities Association
2010-2012 Secretary, Division for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children
*Urso, A., **Riccomini, P.J., & Hamlin, D. (2020, January). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for mathematics – Grade 8. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator **Primary Author
*Urso, A., **Riccomini, P.J., & Hamlin, D. (2020, January). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for mathematics – Grade 7. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator **Primary Author
•*Urso, A., **Riccomini, P.J., & Hamlin, D. (2020, January). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for mathematics – Grade 6. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator **Primary Author
*Urso, A., **Berlinghoff, D., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for English Language Arts– Grade 3. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator & Co-author, **Primary Author
*Urso, A., **Berlinghoff, D., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for English Language Arts– Grade 4. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from:
http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator & Co-author, **Primary Author*Urso, A., **Berlinghoff, D., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for English Language Arts– Grade 5. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator & Co-author, **Primary Author
*Urso, A., **Keegan, K., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for English Language Arts– Grade 6. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator **Primary Author
*Urso, A., **Keegan, K., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for English Language Arts– Grade 7. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator **Primary Author
*Urso, A., **Keegan, K., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for English Language Arts– Grade 8. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator **Primary Author
*Urso, A., **Riccomini, P.J., **Berlinghoff, D., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for Mathematics– Grade 3. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator & Co-Author **Co-Authors
*Urso, A., **Riccomini, P.J., **Berlinghoff, D., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for Mathematics– Grade 4. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator & Co-Author **Co-Authors
*Urso, A., **Riccomini, P.J., **Berlinghoff, D., & Hamlin, D. (2019, September). Scaffolding instruction for all students: A resource guide for Mathematics– Grade 5. The University of the State of New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of Special Education. Retrieved from: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction… *Principal Investigator & Co-Author **Co-Authors
Urso, A. & *Blair, E. (2015). Intertwining technology and ELA Common Core Learning Standards: Increasing access and opportunity. Exceptional Individual, 37(2), 9-14. * Emma Blair is an undergraduate student in the School of Education at SUNY Geneseo.
Urso, A. & Rozalski, M. (2014). Developing training programs to save lives: Serving students with complex or emergency health care needs. Physical Disabilities: Education and Related Services, 33(1), 39-52.
Urso, A. (2013). Introduction to special issue on response to intervention. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 29 (1).
Abu-Hamour, B., Urso, A., & Mather, N. (2013). The application of standardized assessments and CBM measures on a student with severe reading disability. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 29(1).
Abu-Hamour, B., Urso, A., & Mather, N. (2012). The relationships among cognitive correlates and irregular word, non-word, and word reading. International Journal of Special Education, 27(1), 144-159.
Mather, N., & Urso, A. (2011). Assessment of Academic Achievement. In. S. Goldstein & J. Naglieri (Eds). Learning and Attention Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners (2nd ed., pp. 155-182). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Mather, N., & Urso, A. (2010). Learning Disabilities. In I. Weiner & E. Craighead, Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology (pp. 919-921). (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Hale J., Alfonso, V., Berninger, V., Bracken, B., Christo, C., Clark, E, ... Urso, A.,Yalof, J. (2010). Critical issues in response-to-intervention, comprehensive evaluation, and specific learning disabilities identification and intervention: An expert white paper consensus. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 33, 223-235
Urso, A. (2008). Literacy instruction for English language learners. In N. Mather & S. Goldstein, Learning disabilities and challenging behaviors: A guide to intervention and classroom management. (2nd ed., pp. 310-312). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Mather, N., & Urso, A. (2007). Teaching Younger Readers with Reading Difficulties. In R. Morris & N. Mather (Eds.). Evidence-based Interventions for Students with Learning and Behavioral Challenges (pp. 163-192). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Liaupsin, C., Umbreit, J., Ferro, J., *Urso, A., & Upreti, G. (2006). Improving academic engagement through systematic, function-based intervention. Education and Treatment of Children, 29, 573-592.
*Conducted FBA
More About Me
Research Interests
Dr. Urso's research interests include the role of processing speed and other cognitive correlates in poor readers and the development of effective reading interventions for students with dyslexia who have failed to respond to intervention. Dr. Urso also studies the role of cognitive profiles in Response to Intervention (RTI)/Multiple Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) models. She is committed to the preparation of culturally responsive practitioners in clinically rich settings and is actively involved in supporting local school districts in their efforts to support students with learning differences.
New York State Education Department RFP# SA-16, Scaffolding for Students with Disabilities in NYS's P-12 ELA and Math Common Core Curriculum
As principal investigator, Dr. Urso and a team of Co-PIs were awarded the RFP in the amount of $383,052. Co-PIs include Dr. Paul Riccomini, Penn State, and Dr. Dawn Hamlin, SUNY Oneonta. A major subcontractor of the RFP is Dr. Dee Berlinghoff, Mount Saint Mary's College.
Abstract: A team of experts in educating students with disabilities, common core learning standards, instructional design, and professional development will design effective scaffolds across the common core ELA (grades 3-8) and Math (P-12) modules. Through the implementation of research-based methodologies on explicit instruction for students with disabilities, the vendor will collate and scaffold a developmentally appropriate set of iterative strategies that enable teachers to remove barriers to the curriculum, provide efficient and explicit, research-based instruction, and support the independent mastery of skills.
- Fernández-Pello, E. (2022, Oct 4). Los niños de ahora tienen un cerebro totalmente distinto a los del pasado. La Nueva España, 39.
- (2021, May 10). Education Professors Provide De-Escalation Training to Steuben County Sheriff's School Officers. SUNY GENESEO NEWS.
- (2017, August 5). SUNY Geneseo's "Soaring Stars" program benefits students from rural areas. The Livingston County News
- (2015, September 11). Soaring Stars summer camp grows avid young learners. The Livingston County News.
- Murphy, J. (2014, December 20). Geneseo professor leads learning effort. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, pp. A19.
- Leader, M. (2014, September 9). Summer program helps students soar. The Livingston County News.
- 8/2013 WXXI Public Radio Morning Edition: Soaring Stars Aims to Help Students Prepare for Success
- 12/2011 Special Needs Radio Interview: Response to Intervention: Maximizing Your Child's Potential on Special Needs Talk Radio- (Click for link to podcast).
Additional Information
Useful Academic Websites I use in my courses:
- Universal Design for Learning
- Evidence and Research Based Best Practices
- Information and Resources on Disabilities
- Modules and Trainings for Teachers
- What Works Clearinghouse
- Council for Exceptional Children(CEC)
- International Academy of Researchers on Learning Disabilities
- International Dyslexia Association
- New York State Chapter of CEC
- NY State Education Website
- National Center on Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
- Read Dr. Urso's blog entry on the Equity Alliance Blog at Standford University's Graduate School of Education: The Road to Intolerance is Paved with Good Intentions.
- The National Center on Intensive Intervention
SPED 372 Methods in High Incidence Disabilities
Candidates develop and implement inclusive, culturally responsive, specially designed instruction, and high leverage practices for students with high-incidence disabilities based upon consideration of the impact that disabilities have on how students differ in approaches to learning. Candidates learn how to provide inclusive instructional opportunities and supports adapted to the strengths and needs of diverse learners, drawing on knowledge of the discipline, students, community, and curriculum goal(s). Fieldwork is a course component (17.5 HOURS). (2-1) Prerequisites: CURR 313, 317, 320, and SPED 383. Co-requisites: SPED 382, SPED 385.
SPED 382 Assessment in Special Education
This course has two components: assessment strategies and prescriptive teaching. Professionals working with persons with special needs may be prepared to identify assessment instruments and procedures that are appropriate, evaluate the adequacy of assessment instruments, and use the information from the assessment instruments for multiple purposes (e.g., estimating student performance, developing an educational plan, and determining placement). In addition, professionals in special education must be able to communicate the assessment information they collect in a manner that can be understood by other professionals, ancillary personnel, and parents. Fieldwork is a course component (20 hours) Prerequisites: CURR 313, 317 and SPED 371 and 383. Corequisites: SPED 372 and 382.
EDUC 604 Education Research and Methodology
This course provides an overview of various methods of inquiry and the rationale for their respective use. Candidates are introduced to research methodology and statistics commonly used in the field of education and will learn how to use the online databases to conduct and present educational research. Candidates are expected to apply skills developed in the course by writing a research synthesis (review of literature) on a topic of interest, identifying future research questions, and outlining a proposed research study.
Prerequisite: This course is open only to students who are currently matriculated in a registered graduate program at SUNY Geneseo.