Conducting Effective Performance Evaluations

Common Rating Errors to be Aware Of

When conducting performance evaluation it is important to be aware of your personal biases that may affect how you perceive an employee's performance. Below are some of the most common errors that occur during employee ratings.


Type of Bias


Leniency Bias

The desire to give everyone high scores in evaluation.

Stems from a desire to please everyone and not seem

like the "bad guy".

The Central Tendency Error

Avoiding extreme ratings.

Nobody is rated as very good or very bad.

Rating are clustered around middle-range scores.



Ongoing Process of Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation is an ongoing process. It may seem like a once a year event where you rate an employees performance, show them the ratings, and leave it be until the next year. However, there are key differences between this performance review process and having a steady system of performance evaluation. The table below summarizes some of these differences:

Performance Evaluation

Performance Reviews/Rating

The performance evaluation process is a key 

supervisory responsibility 

The performance rating is a key supervisory action

The performance evaluation process is a cycle

The performance rating is a short-term event done at a specific time in the performance evaluation process 

The performance evaluation process includes regular feedback based on ongoing assessments of employee performance.

The performance rating should be an accumulation of the assessments made and feedback given over time 


Criteria for evaluating performance

When assessing the performance of an employee, it’s important to:

  •  Be Specific:
    Give detailed information about Who was impacted, When the event occurred, How the task/project/accomplishment was carried out, and What made it effective.
  • Give Balanced Feedback:
    The performance assessment meeting should be a positive experience for all those involved. It is therefore important to focus on what the employee did right and then balance that feedback by citing examples of outstanding/good performance as well as opportunities for improvement. Remember that it is important to maintain the employee’s self-esteem during the performance assessment process.
  • Use A Consistent Rating Scale:
    Use one rating scale to ensure consistency and equity among employee’s in the same position/department.  The rating scale is included in the specific performance evaluation form and is based on employee's classification.

Giving effective feedback: Self-Assessment

See attachment below. Fill out the form and score your responses based on the instructions. Be honest and self-reflective! This will give you some insight into strengths and weaknesses of how you give feedback to employees. Use this information to improve your ability to give effective feedback.

Conducting effective performance evaluation meetings

An essential part of having an effective performance review meeting is to clearly outline what is going to be covered in the meeting.  An effective outline for a meeting agenda would be:

I. Opening

  •   Create a positive environment that puts the employee at ease
  •  Review the purpose and importance of the meeting
  •  Review the process for the meeting

II. Performance Review

  •  Review the current job description to understand if it is a true reflection of the responsibilities of the position.  Note any inconsistencies and changes.
  • Encourage participation by asking open-ended questions
  • Present the evaluation by walking employee through the written evaluation.
  • Use goal accomplishment and specific examples as the basis for the discussion.
  • Discuss employee reaction to the evaluation.
  • Gain agreement and commitment to the contents of the evaluation (make any agreed-upon changes).
  • Mutually agree to performance goals for the upcoming year.
  • Discuss career development opportunity when appropriate.

III. Closing

  • Summarize the discussion, emphasizing the overall rating.
  • Review goals, performance opportunities and training needs.
  • Ask the employee for last thoughts.
  • Thank employee for participating in the evaluation.
  • Discuss any next steps.

IV. Next Steps

  • Ask employee to sign off on the performance evaluation form.
  • Give employee a copy of the evaluation document after sign --offs
  • Forward original evaluation document to Human Resources for personnel file
  • Update and forward new performance program to Human Resources for personnel file

For a printable version of this agenda see the attachments below. Also, see Prep Guide for Performance Evaluation in the attachments section of this page.

Performance Evaluation Checklist


Step in the Process

Did you...?

Preparing for the Performance Assessment Meeting 

o  Notify the staff member (approximately 1-2 weeks in advance) 

o  Provide employee with a self-assessment tool (optional) and a copy of the performance program at least 1-2 weeks before the scheduled meeting 

o  Review the performance program and job description 

o  Review goals from previous review (if applicable) 

o  Identify accomplishments 

o  Identify proposed goals for new review period 

o  Prepare questions to guide the meeting 

o  Ask the staff member to submit his/her completed self-assessment form before the review 

o  Review relevant documentation (last evaluation, counseling memos, kudos, notes from feedback meetings etc.)

o  Draft performance evaluation document 

The PA Meeting 

o  Meet in private 

o  Provide general feedback followed by specific examples that support the feedback 

o  Encourage dialogue using prepared and probing questions 

o  Define review period 

o  Establish goals for coming review period 

o  Document information provided employee at the review. 


After the Meeting 


o  Determine rating and document on the evaluation form (satisfactory or unsatisfactory) 

o  Document the outcome of the Performance Evaluation discussion 

o  Describe accomplishments and goals 

o  Obtain employee’s signature on evaluation document 

o  Keep a copy in department files along with a copy of the supporting documentation 

o  Confirm the elements of the new performance program 

o  Give the employee a copy of the evaluation document and new performance program 

o  Send the original performance evaluation and performance program document to Human Resources 


  File Modified
  Microsoft Word Document feedback_tool.docxCustomizable feedback tool to assess employee performance Dec 10, 2009 by cmm1
  Microsoft Word Document Quick Notes.docxA form for reporting feedback discussions Nov 20, 2009 by cmm1
  PDF File Meekings 2005.pdfCase Studies on giving effective performance appraisal Nov 17, 2009 by cmm1
  Microsoft Word Document Performance Evaluation Checklist.docx Nov 12, 2009 by cmm1
  Microsoft Word Document Performance Evaluation Meeting Agenda.docx Nov 12, 2009 by cmm1
  Microsoft Word Document Assessing Your Current Feedback Skills.docxSelf-Assessment Tool: How well do you give feedback? Nov 12, 2009 by cmm1