For more information, visit Léonie Stone's personal website.

Office Hours
See Syllabus
Curriculum Vitae
B.B.Ad., M.A., Wichita State University
Ph.D. Ohio State University 1992
Eastern Economics Association
New York State Economics Association
More About Me
Research Interests
Dr. Stone's research interests are in the areas of the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, U.S. intra-industry trade, and responsiveness of CPI measures to income fluctuations.
Additional Information
Leonie Stone's Website
ECON 112: Introductory Macroeconomics
A survey introduction to macroeconomics with emphasis on the concepts of national income accounting, consumption, investment, money and banking, and income determination. Attention is given to the problems of employment, price stability, growth, and international economic policy.
ECON 205: Business and Econ Statistics
A survey of the basic statistical tools used in management decision-making and data analysis. Major topics include data organization and presentation, a review of probability concepts, sampling and sampling distributions, statistical estimation and hypothesis testing, and correlation and regression analysis. The course also emphasizes applications of statistical techniques, the use of computerized statistical packages and ethical issues in statistical analysis.
ECON 302: Behavioral Economics
This course describes how the use of evidence from psychology and experimentation can improve the predictive power of standard economic theories. Standard economic theories represent human beings in ways that are often different from how they really behave. Evidence suggests that human behavior diverges often from standard notions of economic rationality in predictable ways. Predictions about individual behavior are more accurate and the policies of governments are more effective when this evidence is effectively used.